Serve Women. Save Babies. Never Stop.

Your monthly gift of $47 helps one woman seriously considering abortion have her baby. It only costs $570 to provide a woman with ethical medical care and comprehensive community support!

Up to 85,000 Immigrant Children Lost to Sex Trafficking

“The United States needs to stop handing over children to ‘probable [sex] traffickers,’” say twenty-two state Attorneys General in a February 26 open letter to the FBI and Department of Homeland Security. These top law enforcement officers claim that thousands of the more than 85,000 migrant children flooding across the border “have now fallen victim

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Supreme Court Sets Oral Arguments to Remove Chemical Abortion from Market

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court set Tuesday March 26 to hear oral arguments in a case that could remove chemical abortion from the market, cutting abortion by 60% overnight. The court agreed to hear the chemical abortion case in December last year after U.S. 5th Circuit moderated the lower court’s ruling to take the drug

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How to Shepherd the Walk for Life

At 73 million per year worldwide, abortion is the greatest crime against humanity. And that number would be higher were it not for your moral conviction. Abortion is a mountain of injustice only faith can move. Society permits and even applauds abortion only because it fundamentally misunderstands what it means to be human under God.

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7-Point Sex Trafficking Opposition Plan (S.T.O.P.)

A 7-Point Plan to Abate the Epidemic Sex Abuse and Slavery of Women and Girls Current Situation January 18, outside the capitol building alongside many Congressional representatives, the hard truth was revealed that abortion is the glove hiding the fingerprints of sex slavery when the question was posed why “no one is bothering to ask

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“Christianity Stands or Falls…” on Being Pro-Life

German pastor and humanitarian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, bravely spoke out against the Nazis. He once said, “Christianity stands or falls with its revolutionary protest against violence, arbitrariness, and…with its plea for the weak.” Bonhoeffer believed standing with Christ meant standing with the oppressed. Was he right? While not explicitly mentioning abortion, God through scripture teaches the principle of protecting

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“It’s a Life!”

After three years of prayerful preparations, CompassCare’s Brooklyn Medical office opened on January 8! During the first week, thirteen women were served, including a woman whom we will call Lily.  Lilly found TeleCare through CompassCare’s patient marketing channels. She used the online chat to connect with a CompassCare nurse in Rochester. It became apparent that

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Rev. Harden’s Remarks at Pro-Life Caucus Press Conference

Remarks by Rev. Jim Harden Delivered at House Triangle on January 18, 2023: My name is Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, a New York-based network of pro-life medical offices firebombed by pro-abortion terrorists and targeted for discrimination by pro-abortion politicians. All people are made in the image of God. Therefore, we are all inviolable,

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Pro-Life Leaders Announce New Initiatives, Protecting Pregnant Moms and Babies

For Immediate Release: January 18, 2023 Washington, DC—One day before the annual March for Life, members of the House and Senate Pro-Life Caucus held a press conference ahead of introducing two pieces of legislation aimed at protecting mothers and their preborn babies from the Biden administration’s latest anti-mother, anti-pregnancy center bias. Click here for Rev.

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