7-Point Sex Trafficking Opposition Plan (S.T.O.P.)

A 7-Point Plan to Abate the Epidemic Sex Abuse and Slavery of Women and Girls

Current Situation

January 18, outside the capitol building alongside many Congressional representatives, the hard truth was revealed that abortion is the glove hiding the fingerprints of sex slavery when the question was posed why “no one is bothering to ask which abortion business was servicing Jeffery Epstein’s international sex crime syndicate in New York City.”

One month later, Valentines Day, February 14, 2024, a lawsuit was filed against the FBI by several trafficking victims of the Epstein sex crime syndicate in NY. They state FBI tacitly approved the sex trafficking ring, refusing to investigate.

During an interview aired on February 20, 2024, National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd, union leader representing 18,000 Border Patrol agents, said the U.S. is, “paying money to take these children and sell them into sex slavery.”

In an open letter sent on February 26, 2024, twenty-two (22) State Attorneys General demanded immediate answers from the FBI, DHS, and HHS regarding the crisis of 85,000 missing migrant children saying, “The United States needs to stop handing over children to ‘probable [sex] traffickers’….”

According to one report, 55% of sex trafficking survivors reported being forced to have an abortion with 30% having multiple abortions. Another survey of 1,123 victims of sex trafficking, revealed that 67% (758) were trafficked as girls (age 11-17) and 90% (683) had at least one abortion as a minor.  Of the victims surveyed, 29.6% identified Planned Parenthood facilities as the most common abortion source.

Former Planned Parenthood executive, Myra Rodriguez, blew the whistle on the abortion giant in Arizona, outraged at the atrocities committed against migrant women pregnant by sex abuse. She said, “We need to stop the business of abortionists attacking our women and going after our immigrant and minority communities.”

In a recent Project Veritas investigation, the abortion giant casually discussed how to facilitate illegal transport and abortion of pregnant minors.

On February 29, 2024, in response to Project Veritas’ report, Missouri Attorney General announced a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood citing “a conspiracy to conceal the sexual exploitation of children.”

The February 26, 2024 letter from the twenty-two AGs asserted, “There are also numerous examples of young women brought across the border in Texas only to be placed immediately into sex trafficking rings. In a country that claims to value both children and the rule of law, this cannot happen.”

Abortion is the glove hiding the fingerprints of sex slavery.

Project S.T.O.P.

In addition to the 9-Point Plan to Protect Women and Children from Abortion Fraud and Injury Plan, the following seven points are solid first steps in arresting the epidemic sex abuse and slavery of women and girls:

  1. Reinstate rapid DNA testing for minors and family at the southern border.
  2. Demand all state Attorneys General engage civil investigations into unreported abortions perpetrated upon minors.
  3. Mandate all abortionists report all abortions committed against girls under the age of 18, transported across state lines (Mann Act), or to whom drugs were shipped across state lines (Comstock Act).
  4. Encourage state and federal legislation prohibiting the electronic dissemination and consumption of child porn through smartphones, putting a damper on a primary means for generating profit from sex trafficking.
  5. Mandate through local, state, and federal law that all purveyors of pornography must be registered with every state just like telemarketing solicitors, setting criminal penalties and fines for uncompensated production and unsolicited dissemination.
  6. Track the sale and delivery of chemical abortion, confirming age and gender, flagging the purchase of more than one dose, purchases made by minors, purchases made by a male, and repeat purchases within one month.
  7. Make sex trafficking and moral dilemmas of personhood a mandatory ethics class in all medical schools while increasing awareness in the medical community through Continuing Education Units for signs of sex trafficking in a patient, providing funding to pregnancy centers to develop and deliver this education.

Respectfully Submitted:

Rev. James R. Harden, M.Div.

CompassCare CEO


1 comment on “7-Point Sex Trafficking Opposition Plan (S.T.O.P.)”

  1. Pingback: Here is What Trump Should Do on Abortion to Win the Election - LifeNews.com

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