Category Archives: Blog Posts

12-Point Plan: Cure America’s Moral Malady

A 12-Point Plan to Prevent a Free People’s Suicide Current Situation Whereas President Abraham Lincoln observed, “As a nation of free men, we will live forever or die by suicide.” Whereas the massive Baby Boomer voting block sails to their sunset, their average age being 70 and the average life expectancy 77. That means by

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Two New Locations | Serve More Women in Brooklyn and The Bronx

CompassCare is now the only pro-life alternative in the two biggest abortion-offending counties in the Nation—Brooklyn and The Bronx. The abortion empire is headquartered in NYC, and will do whatever it takes to continue aborting babies and expanding abortion nationwide. CompassCare is planting the pro-life flag in The Bronx! Rev. Harden was in The Bronx

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Will the upcoming dystopia be caused by Christians?

As carried in The Christian Post By James Harden, Op-ed Contributor “I don’t think we should be making concessions when we’re talking about a fundamental freedom…” said Kamala Harris in a recent interview. What “fundamental freedom” did she have in mind? Religious liberty? Equal protection under the law? Was she talking perhaps about one of

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“How are you, Becca?”

Becca discovered she was pregnant. Her first thought was, “What am I going I do?” She felt better after sharing the news with the father of the baby—he expressed some support. Becca’s spirits lifted. Until she told her parents. “What have you done!” Her parents offered no compassion or support. Instead, they told her to

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Ecumenical Pregnancy Center Joins Fight Against Forced Abortion Purchase with SCOTUS Brief

For Immediate Release: October 24, 2024 Rochester, NY—The Thomas More Society, a public interest law firm based in Chicago, filed on behalf of CompassCare, an ecumenical pro-life network of New York pregnancy centers, a friend of the court brief to the Supreme Court of the United States. The brief is in support of the Catholic

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Forced Abortion Purchases via Health Insurance: Your Choices

Obamacare created a moral crisis for America and every Christian, not only forcing us to pay for the destruction of the most vulnerable human life, but making it illegal or difficult not to do so. Everyone will fall into one of the five decision categories below, either intentionally or unintentionally.  AS of January 1st, 2014

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Afraid to Even Say “Pregnant”

As Carmilla found herself in the crowded streets of New York City, she couldn’t help but miss home. Navigating her new reality—finding work, learning the language, renting an apartment, and more—was taking up all of her time. As ends weren’t meeting, she came to her breaking point: two pink lines on a home pregnancy test.

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Pastor Appreciation Month

Honor Your Pastor with a Gift to Save a Soul and a Baby Scripture teaches that faithful Pastors are deserving of “double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching,” (1 Tim. 5:17). October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Pastors are interested lives saved and transformed by the Gospel. So far this year, 739

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