Tag Archives: Mifepristone

Will Pending Supreme Court Ruling Triggers Pro-abortion Violence Again?

June marks two-years since pro-abortion Antifa front group, Jane’s Revenge, firebombed one of CompassCare’s pro-life medical offices in Buffalo. The firebombing caused a half-million dollars in damage, injuring two firefighters in an attempt to shut down CompassCare’s free medical services. In this regard Jane’s Revenge failed totally, CompassCare rebuilding even bigger in a miraculous 52

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Supreme Court Sets Oral Arguments to Remove Chemical Abortion from Market

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court set Tuesday March 26 to hear oral arguments in a case that could remove chemical abortion from the market, cutting abortion by 60% overnight. The court agreed to hear the chemical abortion case in December last year after U.S. 5th Circuit moderated the lower court’s ruling to take the drug

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Thomas More Society Takes the Case: Affidavit-less and Frivolous Lawsuit Leveled Against Firebombed Pro-Life Group

For Immediate Release: January 3, 2023 On Monday, December 18, a pro-abortion vandal who pled guilty to defacing CompassCare’s pro-life medical office in Buffalo, NY, hit the organization again through a medical malpractice lawsuit. Kamke first punched CompassCare the morning of March 16, hours after oral arguments were heard in U.S. District Court on the

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Affidavit-less and Frivolous Lawsuit Leveled Against Firebombed Pro-Life Group

For Immediate Release: December 20, 2023 On Monday, December 18, a pro-abortion vandal who pled guilty to vandalizing CompassCare’s pro-life medical office in Buffalo, hit the organization again through a medical malpractice lawsuit. Hannah Kamke first punched CompassCare the evening of March 16, the day oral arguments were heard in U.S. District Court on the

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SCOTUS Picks Up Abortion Case Bigger Than Dobbs—Pro-Life Leader Warns of More Violence

For Immediate Release: December 13, 2023 The U.S. Supreme Court recently agreed to hear the chemical abortion case coming from the U.S. 5th Circuit. A ruling on this case could have broader ramifications than even the Dobbs decision, overturning Roe v Wade, as it could cut abortion in half. These high-profile court cases have sparked

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5th Circuit Ruling Could Cut U.S. Abortion by 15%—140,000 Fewer Abortions

For Immediate Release: August 16, 2023 — Wednesday, August 16, 2023—The U.S. 5th Circuit Court ruled against the FDA’s “unlawful” deregulation of the dangerous chemical abortion drug, Mifepristone. The court’s ruling will not go into effect until after the Supreme Court reviews the decision and determines if it will step in or let the 5th

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