Category Archives: Abortion

Is the Church Ready for Abortion Tourism?

New York (NY) State has more abortions per capita than any other state in the union. At the same time, pro-life pregnancy centers in NY have the capacity to serve only a minuscule percentage of women considering abortion…except in Rochester, home of CompassCare. The pro-life infrastructure in NY is so small it is like trying to douse a house engulfed in flames with the bucket of suds left over from washing the car in the driveway.

“How can I possibly do this?”

Raised in a loving home, Liza grew up with the common goals of higher education and a lucrative career. She didn’t feel she had time for children and was enjoying life as a young, single, successful woman. Then Liza and her boyfriend discovered she was pregnant. Initially she felt ready to move forward with the

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Abortion Now a Human Right in NY – Sets Stage to Attack Pro-Life Christians

The first abortion clinic closes in Rochester! Hopefully more to come. The long-standing Freedom of Choice office closed at the end of 2018 and demand for CompassCare’s services is up 34% over the previous January. At the time of this writing, CompassCare has reached 96% of the market. Meanwhile, New York State seeks to raise

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How the New Reproductive Health Law Impacts You

By now you have probably heard that after years of failed attempts the New York legislature overwhelmingly passed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA). The RHA was signed into law by Governor Cuomo shortly after it passed. Abortion is now a fundamental human right in NY. This new right will eventually clash with your freedom of speech and freedom of religion, which is so crucial to how CompassCare reaches and serves women considering abortion.

More Babies Saved Than Ever!

2018 was a year to celebrate! So far, 221 women considering abortion decided to have their baby boys and girls and 50 submitted their lives to Christ! Beyond that, abortion rates in Monroe County plummeted 17% according to the most recent NYS vital statistics. It is the largest year-over-year drop in Monroe County’s long abortion

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