Tag Archives: abortion trends

Is the Church Ready for Abortion Tourism?

New York (NY) State has more abortions per capita than any other state in the union. At the same time, pro-life pregnancy centers in NY have the capacity to serve only a minuscule percentage of women considering abortion…except in Rochester, home of CompassCare. The pro-life infrastructure in NY is so small it is like trying to douse a house engulfed in flames with the bucket of suds left over from washing the car in the driveway.

“I’m keeping [my] baby. I’m not going to have an abortion.”

CompassCare is dedicated to continuously pressing towards greater effectiveness by constantly looking for ways to improve service outcomes. The medical team is modifying a few approaches and scripts to account for changing patient demographic. The following story is an example of how these improvements work out in the practical interactions with patients and save lives.

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Is God Pro-Choice?

A woman considering abortion is 8 times more likely to choose to have her baby if she comes to CompassCare than if she goes to Planned Parenthood! Why? Abortion rates in Rochester dropped by 29% according to the most recent data available. That decrease is twice what the rest of the state and country experienced.

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