Is God Pro-Choice?

A woman considering abortion is 8 times more likely to choose to have her baby if she comes to CompassCare than if she goes to Planned Parenthood! Why? Abortion rates in Question markRochester dropped by 29% according to the most recent data available. That decrease is twice what the rest of the state and country experienced. Why? God answers in Romans 9:29, “Unless the Lord of Sabaoth had left to us a posterity, we would have become like Sodom, and would have resembled Gomorrah.” Another way of saying it is that without God’s gracious intervention we would continue as those under direct condemnation.

Of the women seriously considering abortion who ‘chose’ to have their babies during the time frame measured above we know that CompassCare’s patients comprised 31% of the reduction. And 2014 is sizing up to be even better. Why now? Why CompassCare?

Where did the wisdom come from to reach abortion-minded women, to serve them in a way that most consistently helps them to have their babies? What is the source of the fighting spirit of the staff and volunteers or the generosity of donors and the good will of the churches? While CompassCare’s lifesaving results are the best in the nation, one may be tempted to think that these amazing results stem from the ingenuity of people. But then God reminds us how the redemption of the world actually works: “I was found by those who did not seek Me, I became manifest to those who did not ask for Me” (Romans 10:20).

Having reported on the abortion reduction trend back in August of 2013, CompassCare has continued to find ways to reach and serve more women seriously considering abortion. But is CompassCare’s activity the driving force behind its own success? If CompassCare’s success is based on its own merits, then there is no hope of abortion coming to an end. Why? Because abortion thrives in a culture that says good is whatever you want it to be. That we can choose what is right and wrong for us at any given moment. If CompassCare’s success is founded upon its own reality, a right and wrong of our choosing, then the very foundation of CompassCare is no different than the foundation of Planned Parenthood. For abortion to end we must recognize it will not be because of CompassCare or any other activity or choice that we can comprehend or accomplish humanly speaking.

The fact of the matter is that Christianity, and to the degree CompassCare reflects it, is the polar opposite of current American morality that makes personal choice the basic principle determining right and wrong. While culture says that we can create our own personal utopia, God says that we can be saved only by His “gracious choice” (Romans 11:5). In fact, He clarifies in John 15:16, “You did not choose Me but I chose you….”

So how do we explain CompassCare’s fantastic results? Simple, 1 John 4:19, “We love, because He first loved us.” CompassCare can continue to serve in ways that are this staggeringly ground-breaking only if God chooses to continue to use us.

crossYet our imagination still churns to answer the question, “What else needs to happen for abortion to be eliminated from our social landscape? Answer: Christian revival – beginning with the Church. Not a personal choice to follow Jesus now or later, but confessing that Jesus is Lord and believing it in our hearts (Romans 10:9). This is the essence of Christian revival: a submission to God’s revelation of Himself. This will set apart the Church from culture, and save society from the merciless compassion of a consumer culture bent on cannibalizing itself.

Apart from God’s choice to save us we can choose nothing but ourselves. To be clear, revival is not a matter of working harder at our chosen Christian lifestyle. The Apostle Paul reiterates, “So it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy” (Romans 9:16). So then, ours is not to choose but to pray.

An abortion-extinguishing revival is ultimately a choice, but not ours. It is an act of God, wherein He decides that our hollow society should be filled with Him. It is only after the enticing sensate storm of culture fades that God chooses to speak into the soul of His chosen race (I Peter 2:9) with His deafeningly still small voice. His voice of truth then whispers the ancient words upon which the very world was founded, and the newly created believer simply bows.

Happy Easter!

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