Category Archives: Blog Posts

At the Heart of the Government Shutdown; Obamacare and Abortion

You and I are being forced to make a choice. Obamacare brazenly mandates that all U.S. citizens purchase health insurance that directly pays for abortion and abortion-causing ‘birth control,’ or face stiff financial penalties. This violates the religious beliefs and moral convictions of millions of Americans. Curiously, Planned Parenthood (PP), the nation’s largest abortion provider,

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“Whoever Saves One Life Saves the World Entire”

America’s abortion laws are some of the most inhumane on Earth. European, South American and African countries all have stronger laws protecting pre-born children and their mothers. Knowing that America has altogether dehumanized the pre-born boy and girl encouraging an ‘anything goes’ mentality, the great challenge of our day may prove to be the greatest

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Does the Bible Say When Human Life Begins?

I was asked this question just recently when a small group leader in an otherwise pro-life church stated that she thought abortion is not wrong according to the Bible. Her basic rationale for her position was that human life did not begin until a person took their first breath. She supported her theory with Genesis

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Contraception, Obamacare, and Cuomo

While different forms of contraception have been used throughout history and in many different cultures, the term “birth control” was coined in America in the early 1900s by Margaret Sanger, foundress of the  the American Birth Control League (ABCL). “We who advocate Birth Control…lay all our emphasis upon stopping not only the reproduction of the

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Abortion Rates in Rochester at 40 Year Low!

Amazing! The number of abortions in New York State fell by 13% between 2008 and 2011. In Monroe County abortion rates fell by an astonishing 29%! Including non-residents, the number of at-risk women CompassCare helped to have their babies represents 31% of that reduction! Rochester is in the midst of an abortion trend reversal. For

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Cuomo’s Abortion Expansion Bill: What’s the Problem?

A good friend of ours read Cuomo’s Women’s Equality Act, specifically the hotly contested Part J abortion expansion aspect. He noticed the benign sounding language as well as its brevity compared to its longer more obviously heinous predecessor known as the Reproductive Health Act to which Cuomo referred vowing to pass it in his State

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Abortion Expansion–Not Out of the Woods Yet

Good news! Your grassroots passion decrying a radical abortion agenda holding hostage true women’s equality, has made a difference! But we aren’t out of the woods yet. On Tuesday, June 4th, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo introduced the details of his abortion expansion bill deceivingly entitled the, “Women’s Equality Act.” Public outcry and bi-partisan voter

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Cuomo Holds Healthcare Hostage to Radical Abortion Agenda

Cuomo’s reproductive health act is so radical that it threatens the closure of existing hospitals and clinics. Currently in New York all hospitals and clinics must be certified by the state, and therefore must demonstrate that they adhere to all state regulations and requirements for the operations of such facilities. Some of those medical facilities

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Cuomo Moves to Strike Abortion from Penal Code

The Reproductive Health Act would remove abortion entirely from the NY State penal code. It begs the question: why was abortion in the penal code in the first place, if no other medical procedures were? Answer: Abortion is not medicine. Medicine seeks to help someone recover or maintain their health. Abortion does neither of those

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