Tag Archives: worldview

Two Worldviews: The Secular and The Christian

When a woman faces an unplanned pregnancy and is considering abortion, how should a Christian view that pregnancy? An unplanned pregnancy is not a negative side-effect to sexual activity. It is a crossroads of grace whereby God gives a woman the opportunity to choose to make one more poor decision in a long line of

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“I don’t think God would want me to have an abortion; my baby is alive.”

CompassCare’s exam rooms are on the frontline of the worldview war taking place in America. Almost every woman comes to CompassCare with the clear understanding that a baby is growing inside of them, often openly expressing this to their nurse. But their situation eclipses that knowledge in the darkness of believing their life will be

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Batman vs. Superman & Abortion

Remember when you were a kid and you’d get in heated debates about which superhero was stronger, or whose bicycle was faster? You might have begun with objective sounding statements of pseudo-fact that demonstrate why the considerable innate powers of Superman are superior to the brainy and well-funded technology of Batman. Meanwhile your friend would

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