Tag Archives: New York State

Abortion Expansion Market Analysis Targets Henrietta

During a recent Henrietta Town Board meeting, Planned Parenthood CFO, Christian Oleck, was asked why the organization feels a Henrietta location is beneficial. His somewhat clumsy response? Quote: “We did a Market Analysis study in the Henrietta, kind of Brighton area…was something…that positioned…access to our services, it really highlighted that we needed to be…um, and

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Supreme Court Expected to Overturn 1973 Abortion Ruling in June?

The national abortion battle lines are shifting. The Supreme Court is expected to arbitrate on a challenge to a pro-life Mississippi law in June. Coupled with the facts that 1) the court has a conservative leaning majority for the first time since before 1973 and 2) it has let the Texas abortion ban stand, many,

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Abortion Biz Courts Henrietta to Suspend Zoning Laws for New Location

Abortion Biz Courts Henrietta to Suspend Zoning Laws for New Location

In January, Planned Parenthood of Western and Central New York abandoned their expansion project in Brighton under pressure from a grass roots coalition of residents who sued the Town for their lack of meaningful review in the approval process. The lawsuit stated the Brighton Town Planning Board failed to explore the negative impacts an abortion

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Violence to Pro-life Pregnancy Centers a National Trend

Violence to Pro-life Pregnancy Centers a National Trend

Acts of abortion terrorism against peaceful pro-life pregnancy centers are now a national trend. Attacks are being investigated by local and federal agencies in New York, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Oregon, Texas, DC, and Virginia. According to a bulletin issued the day of the firebombing of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in Buffalo by the National Terrorism Advisory

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Hochul and Dems Refusing to Denounce Violence Against Pro-life Medical Office

At 3:00 A.M. yesterday morning, abortion terrorists broke glass, firebombing CompassCare’s pro-life medical office in Buffalo. The signature graffiti message left by the criminals reads, “Jane Was Here” referring to the terrorist organization Jane’s Revenge. The group continues to incite their followers to engage in what they are calling a “Night of Rage.” The Amherst

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Update from CompassCare CEO on Abortion Terrorism Group Firebombing Buffalo Office

CompassCare Will Not Stop Serving Women and Saving Babies CompassCare is assessing the damage done to the medical office by the arson attack.  It will take months and hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair.  The intent of this attack was to stop CompassCare from helping women have their babies. It did not succeed. As we write

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CompassCare’s Buffalo Office Firebombed by Abortion Terrorists

Early this morning police and firefighters responded to smoke at CompassCare’s Buffalo office. The building was firebombed. The windows in the reception room and nurses’ office were broken and fires lit. Graffiti on the building left by the arsonists refers to the abortion terrorist group Jane’s Revenge reading, “Jane Was Here.” The group took responsibility

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NY Legislature to Investigate Groups Who Disagree with Abortion Policy

The New York State Legislature passed a nefarious bill, investigating groups who disagree with the state’s official abortion policy in order to pass additional legislation regulating them. The investigative body is focused on small, pro-life, non-profit, and mostly volunteer pregnancy centers. The legislation funds the investigators to demand any information including confidential patient records, internal

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Pro-life Employers Appeal to U.S. 2nd Circuit After NY Judge Sides with State

Real Abortion News reported that on March 29 Judge McAvoy of the Northern U.S. District Court sided with a New York State labor law, making it illegal for pro-life employers to hire according to their pro-life beliefs and mission in CompassCare v Cuomo. The ruling means that if pro-life organizations, including churches, do not comply

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