Tag Archives: chemical abortion

What Stopped Her?

Brittany is a mother of three and recently discovered she is pregnant again. Immediately, tensions began flooding her mind: “How will we get by financially? How will I keep working with an infant?” She felt that abortion was the only way to escape these pressures. On her way to get an abortion, on the busy

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Abortion Numbers Up by 10%

A new report claims abortion numbers up ten percent nationwide in 2023, surpassing one million. It also claims that the dangerous chemical abortion regimen now represents 63% of all abortions, up 20% in just three years. One analysis suggests the numbers are padded for political convenience given that they emanate from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute.

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Supreme Court Reviewing U.S. 5th Circuit Chemical Abortion Ruling (RAN)

On August 16, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court ruled against the FDA’s deregulation of the dangerous chemical abortion drug, Mifepristone. The Supreme Court is reviewing the decision to determine whether it will step in or let the 5th Circuit’s ruling stand. If let stand, the decision could cut the nation’s abortion numbers by as much

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New York Passes Legislation Protecting Chemical Abortionists from Criminal Liability (RAN)

Recently, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed a bill insulating chemical abortionists from criminal liability through telehealth services. Chemical abortion now represents over half of all abortion in the U.S. The new law comes as the U.S. 5th Circuit considers overturning the FDA’s illegal approval of the abortion drug Mifepristone, so dangerous that many have

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Oral Arguments in Chemical Abortion Case Could Stoke Pro-abortion Antifa Violence

For Immediate Release: May 16, 2023 — On Wednesday, May 17, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is scheduled to hear oral arguments regarding the FDA’s illegal approval and subsequent deregulation of the lethal chemical abortion drug, Mifepristone—dubbed the “chemical coat hanger.” Pro-life strategist worries the case could stoke pro-abortion Maoist Antifa fires as

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Nikki Haley About as Pro-life as Joe Biden New Harden Abortion Compromise Scale Reveals

For Immediate Release: May 1, 2023 — On Tuesday, April 25 in a speech at the headquarters of a pro-life group, Republican Presidential hopeful, Nikki Haley, fooled many—perhaps even including herself—that her abortion consensus policy makes her a pro-life candidate. However, a new scale shows otherwise. The new Harden Abortion Compromise Scale (HACS) reveals the

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Pro-abortion Extremists Dox NY Pro-life Doctors

For Immediate Release: April 27, 2023 — A recent Buffalo Antifa counter-protest of a conservative speaker had nearly 1000 aggressive people show up (watch video beginning at minute 2 showing results of private investigation). Now those same pro-abortion Antifa agitators are doxing pro-life doctors in New York. This comes after CompassCare deprived pro-abortion Antifa extremists

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SCOTUS Weighs-in on Chemical Abortion | Strategist Predicts Biden Will Use Ruling to Stack the Court

For Immediate Release: April 18, 2023 — On Friday, April 14, after a flurry of court activity overturning the FDA’s approval of chemical abortion, fomenting more pro-abortion Antifa recruitment and violence, SCOTUS stayed all rulings through Wednesday, April 19. Wherever SCOTUS lands will dramatically impact the future of the abortion industry. Added to this, states

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More Pro-abortion Domestic Terror Coming—Investigator Believes DOJ Is Either Afraid or Involved

Pro-life strategist warns, Monday, February 20, that more organized, pro-abortion domestic terror can be expected ahead of a federal court ruling potentially overturning FDA approval of the chemical abortion pill. Private investigators says that pro-abortion terrorist group, Jane’s Revenge, is linked to Antifa. After the leak of the Dobbs case reversing Roe, Antifa recruited disaffected

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Montana Takes Lead Abortion Industry’s Newest Strategy to Make Abortion a Religious Right

Valentine’s Day hearings were held for new Montana abortion legislation (HB 471), making abortion a religious right. If passed, Montana’s legislation would begin the process of setting a U.S. legal precedent, protecting abortion on religious liberty grounds. The bill states in part: “At any time during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, a pregnant

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