Author Archives: CompassCare

“I’m so glad I came here today. I feel completely different about everything.”

Clarise grew up in a deeply broken home, the eldest of five with a drug-addicted mom who had several abortions. After taking care of her siblings as a young teenager, Clarise determined that she would do everything in her power to avoid walking down her mother’s path. In her early twenties, Clarise got pregnant. Believing

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First Day in Office: Biden Commits to Funding Abortion

His first full day in office, President Joe Biden committed Federal tax dollars to abortion internationally. Dr. Anthony Fauci told the World Health Organization that Biden will revoke the Mexico City policy. This policy originated with Ronald Regan and bans federal dollars from going to organizations that perform or promote abortion. Trump reinstated the policy

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Abortion Rates Up, CDC Says

The CDC recently released its annual U.S. Abortion Surveillance report. New York remains the abortion capital of the nation and “…the total number of reported U.S. abortions…increased 1%….” A total of 614,820 babies were aborted, with black babies being aborted at a rate five times greater than white babies. The recent uptick may be pointing

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