“I can’t remember the last time I was clean,” Stephanie told her nurse. Years of drug addiction devastated Stephanie’s health and family life. Now pregnant with another child, she feared the worst. Although the father of the baby wants to raise the child with her, Stephanie is convinced her body could not support a healthy pregnancy. Abortion seemed like a way to avoid all that suffering for her and her baby.
The ultrasound exam revealed an active twelve-week-old baby. Stephanie was moved at the sight saying, “This is hard to see…I want him.” Although she was drawn to her child, she attempted to stifle her feelings, bracing herself for the emotional trauma that is abortion. Sensing her need for an anchor of hope, Stephanie’s nurse shared the gospel with her, assuring her of the new beginnings made possible through Jesus. Overflowing with eagerness on hearing this good news, Stephanie surrendered her life to Christ in the exam room.
Stephanie’s nurse gave her a referral to a local OB/GYN who specializes in high-risk pregnancies and addiction. Together, the two prayed for miraculous health for Stephanie and her baby.
In the weeks following her appointment at CompassCare, Stephanie began prenatal care and was assured by her OB/GYN that carrying her pregnancy to term posed no threats to her health.
Disclaimer: Names and details have been changed to protect patient confidentiality.

New Word for Fighting Abortion?
Inviolability means that each person must be treasured because each soul is minted with the inestimable mark of our Maker. So when Scripture insists to the lawyer (Lk. 10:25) that loving one’s neighbor is a necessity for eternal life, and further clarifies that partiality is love’s opposite (Jas. 2:9), the high stakes ought to cause us to pause… Read more.

Save the Dates for the 2022 Walk for Life!
Join thousands of pro-life Christians, both in-person and online, at the Live Walk Rally on Friday, April 29th from 7:00-8:00pm. Then publicly express your pro-life passion at the In-Person Walk from 9:00am-12:00pm in Buffalo, the Capital Region, and Rochester. Read more.