Abortion on Dock—Is Roe v Wade Fated to End?

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments for the case Dobbs v Jackson on December 1st, 2021. After listening in, legal counsel for the largest network of pro-life service organizations in the world, believes the longstanding abortion ruling Roe v Wade is fated to end. Attorney Danielle White notes the Justices’ concerns pivoted on the fetal viability concept. This means that the Court’s original abortion ruling was founded upon an arbitrary date line for the development of the baby after which time a state has a right to protect the child. That line was randomly set by the court at 24 weeks. To gut the High Court’s abortion ruling, the current court needs only five Justices. Daniel White states, “In the end, the Court appears poised to have six easy votes to jettison the viability line.”

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