Author Archives: CompassCare

World’s Largest Abortion Business Admits to Racism

For years pro-life organizations accused the nation’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, of racism. Efforts to unveil this bias show Planned Parenthood locating up to 86 percent of its abortion offices in or near minority neighborhoods. According to a recent article Blacks and Latinos comprise just 20% of the population yet the burden of 45%

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“That is just what I need!”

Through prayer, mentoring, and ethical medical care, the Church and CompassCare faithfully served Lily, helping reorient her to a proper relationship with her Creator and her preborn baby. Lily’s first interaction with CompassCare came through a virtual intake appointment, an innovation developed in response to patients’ increased health concerns over COVID-19.  Lily then scheduled an

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Can a vaccine be pro-life?

Christian belief requires people avoid any connection with evil including personal gain from the non-voluntary taking of innocent human life. This is why pro-life Christians are increasingly alarmed as pharmaceutical companies shifted the production of all mandatory childhood vaccines to exclusively use aborted baby cells. Because there are no moral vaccine alternatives available, New York

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Because of You, More Life-Saving Stories Like This Are Possible

Hudah is a young woman from a Muslim family who recently found out she is pregnant. Feeling overwhelmed and unsupported, she went to a local abortionist and took the first of two pills to induce an abortion. By the next day however, she regretted her decision, decided to not take the second pill, and desperately

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Why are Christians so Pro-Life?

Why is the pro-life movement populated and led by Christians? Pro-lifers span the demographic gamut including men, women, white, black, old and young. What is it that makes a person so passionate they are willing to sacrifice both their reputation and resources to help women considering abortion to have their babies while winning over their

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