Tag Archives: abortion

ALERT: Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Ruling NOT About Contraception

The New York Times and many others are contributing to the false notion that the recent Supreme Court decision, Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc allows businesses to ban birth control. In the spirit of truth, the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby is about abortion-causing drugs and devices NOT contraception. To quote

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Release: New York State Abortion Rate Lowest Since Legalization in 1970

For Immediate Release: April 9, 2014 Contact: James R. Harden, M.Div. President/CEO, CompassCare (585) 820-7229 | jim.harden@compasscare.info www.compasscare.info | facebook.com/compasscarecommunity | Twitter @compasscare New York State Abortion Rate Lowest Since Legalization in 1970 Rochester, NY—On April 7 New York State published its Vital Statistics for 2012. The data reveals that the number of abortions statewide

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Contraception, Obamacare, and Cuomo

While different forms of contraception have been used throughout history and in many different cultures, the term “birth control” was coined in America in the early 1900s by Margaret Sanger, foundress of the  the American Birth Control League (ABCL). “We who advocate Birth Control…lay all our emphasis upon stopping not only the reproduction of the

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Cuomo Holds Healthcare Hostage to Radical Abortion Agenda

Cuomo’s reproductive health act is so radical that it threatens the closure of existing hospitals and clinics. Currently in New York all hospitals and clinics must be certified by the state, and therefore must demonstrate that they adhere to all state regulations and requirements for the operations of such facilities. Some of those medical facilities

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Cuomo Moves to Strike Abortion from Penal Code

The Reproductive Health Act would remove abortion entirely from the NY State penal code. It begs the question: why was abortion in the penal code in the first place, if no other medical procedures were? Answer: Abortion is not medicine. Medicine seeks to help someone recover or maintain their health. Abortion does neither of those

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NY to Deregulate Abortionists; Destroy Pregnancy Centers

“Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it,” said British statesman and philosopher, Edmund Burke. Similarly, those in who fail to fight the machinations of NY politicians will be doomed to their designs at the Federal level; especially when it comes to abortion and Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC). Corning, New York is home

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Abortion Expansion Bill Protects Abusers–Exposes Victims

According to the CDC, domestic violence is the second-leading cause of maternal death. Governor Cuomo’s Abortion Expansion Bill (the reproductive health act) will lower penalties for violence against pregnant women. Is the Governor really pro-woman? On Dec. 18, 2012 in Oklahoma City paramedics Joanna and Timothy Hickerson, a husband and wife team for the Emergency

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Deregulating Abortion Helps Women?

Under current New York State law, it is a criminal act to perform an abortion on a ‘viable’ child in the womb. (There is another time to discuss the atrocity of the popular, dehumanizing notion of ‘viability.’ A person is an organism with unique human DNA governing his or her own maturation from conception to

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It Gets Worse: What Gosnell Has in Common with Cuomo, Obama, and the Supreme Court

Recently the Orwellian mask of the abortion industry has come off. In some ways it was their choice. Planned Parenthood stopped using euphemistic ‘choice’ rhetoric knowing full well that the circumstances that drive women to get abortion represent the coercive polar opposite. Perhaps now they think they don’t need the language to accomplish their willfully

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