Real Abortion News

Medicine & Abortion

Transcript Is abortion ethical medicine? If the purpose of medicine is to heal and maintain the health of the individual, ...

Does Abortion Cause Preterm Delivery?

Transcript According to the March of Dimes, 380,000 babies are born prematurely each year! Why? They are many causes but ...

Selling Baby Body Parts

Transcript This August marks the two year anniversary of the first undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood and others in the ...

Abortion & Breast Cancer Follow-Up

Expanded Transcript Is there really a link between abortion and breast cancer? Responding dismissively to studies correlating abortion with breast ...

Abortion & Breast Cancer

Radio Transcript Bob is 60, lying in hospital bed, after having one cancerous lung removed. He smoked for 40 years ...

State Coerced Quackery?

Expanded Transcript  The Illinois State legislature passed SB 1564 and the Republican governor Bruce Rauner signed it, amending the State’s ...

Abortion Stats & Trends

Expanded Transcript New York remains the abortion capital of the U.S. with more abortions occurring on a per capita basis ...

The Morality of Abortion

Expanded Transcript Was legalizing abortion as the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruled morally correct? If it should be legal, to ...

Planned Parenthood and Abortion

Expanded Transcript Is Planned Parenthood the comprehensive and necessary women’s healthcare provider that we’ve been led to believe? Who is ...

Abortion Pill Reversal

Expanded Transcript Mariana couldn’t endure the shame of her friends and family finding out she was pregnant. So, she and ...

An Introduction

Full Transcript Many are not aware that a California court dismissed 14 of 15 charges brought by California Attorney General ...