Serve Women. Save Babies. Never Stop.

Provide ethical medical care and comprehensive community support to women considering abortion. Your gift of $570 helps one woman seriously considering abortion have her baby—from marketing through 12 months of follow-up!

RHA Passes—NY vs Christians

  Recently, the New York legislature passed the Reproductive Health Act, pitting abortion rights against freedom of religion. The board is set. The game is on. The law paves the way to force pro-life Christians to facilitate abortion against their deeply held religious beliefs. Depending on how the bill is interpreted, refusal to participate in

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Unrestricted Abortion

  An extreme minority of people think that unrestricted abortion is a good idea. And yet, the New York legislature is expected to pass a bill in January, called the Reproductive Health Act, totally deregulating abortion. Imagine your 12 year old daughter wants an appendectomy and there’s a bill permitting nurses to perform appendectomies without

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More Babies Saved Than Ever!

2018 was a year to celebrate! So far, 221 women considering abortion decided to have their baby boys and girls and 50 submitted their lives to Christ! Beyond that, abortion rates in Monroe County plummeted 17% according to the most recent NYS vital statistics. It is the largest year-over-year drop in Monroe County’s long abortion

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Your Hope is Her Rope

Your Hope is Her Rope…

Simeon of Jerusalem (Luke 2:25a) is not described as a priest or a prophet, though he may have been. Scripture does not give us any details about his age, his family, or his social status. The Holy Spirit describes Simeon not by any fleeting external measure, but by the weight of his character: righteous and

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