Charlene stared disbelieving at the positive pregnancy test slightly trembling in her hand. Feelings of shame and waves of anxiety washed over her as she thought of all the reasons she couldn’t be pregnant right now. “We can hardly make ends meet as it is. What is my husband going to say? This is impossible!”
Fearing her husband’s response, Charlene kept her pregnancy a secret for some weeks. When he found out, he wasn’t angry, but told her to get an abortion as soon as possible. They simply could not afford another child. Charlene searched online, found CompassCare, and made an appointment for the next day.
Warmly greeted by her nurse and ushered into an exam room, Charlene nervously poured out her situation. Embarrassed for ignoring her pregnancy for so long, she felt reassured by her nurse’s kind listening ear. After agreeing to an ultrasound, Charlene gasped aloud and then smiled tearfully seeing her 11-week-old baby, gently moving around.

After her exam, Charlene’s anxiety returned. Charlene’s nurse took the opportunity to share about the peace offered through faith in Jesus Christ. “God, through His grace, gives us strength to do what feels impossible. And He gives wisdom when we feel weak and lost.”
Charlene joyfully surrendered her life to Christ, asking for forgiveness and receiving His grace. After praying, she beamed and said, “I never expected my appointment to be like this. I thought I would just come in and it’d be just like any other appointment. Sit here, do this, think about this, and goodbye. But…I don’t know what to say…I don’t know what I feel. It feels like hope. I didn’t expect to feel like this when I walked in. I can walk out of here with my head held high. Thank you so much!”
Before leaving, Charlene was offered and eagerly received a connection with a MotherCare team member from a church in her area.

Pro-Life for the Right Reason?
Recently, Gallup released its longstanding annual report surveying America’s view on abortion. This poll revealed that Americans who believe abortion ought to be either illegal or restricted jumped seven percentage points, from 53% to 60%, in just one year. Read more.

Publicly Express Your Pro-Life Convictions at the Walk for Life!
Express your passion at the largest pro-life event in New York! The Walk will be held as one event in two locations this year – Buffalo: Delaware Park & Rochester: The Highland Park Bowl. More information and our official Walk website are coming soon. Read more.