Tag Archives: Legal

CEO of Firebombed, Pro-Life Network Calls for a National Vigil to Deter Violence During Midterms

On Friday, October 29, an internal memo of federal joint law enforcement, including the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, was leaked. It warns of increased pro-abortion extremist violence aimed at pro-life people and organizations around the midterm elections taking place on Tuesday, November 8. Pro-life strategist and CEO of firebombed pro-life medical network in

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Scandalous 1000-Page Report Tags FBI as Possibly Complicit in Violence Against Pro-Life People and Organizations

Late in the evening of November 3, the House Judiciary Committee released a 1050-page report with whistleblower testimony alleging FBI corruption and politicization. The report notes the abdication of the FBI’s investigative responsibility, unequal enforcement of violent FACE Act violations perpetrated against pro-life groups, and the unjust use of the FACE Act to indict innocent

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Federal Joint Intelligence Memo Warns Midterms May Yield More Pro-Abortion Violent Extremism

On Friday, October 29 a federal joint law enforcement memo including the FBI and Department of Homeland Security was leaked to members of the press. The memo warns of heightened domestic violent extremism around the midterm election. The bulletin is quoted as saying, “…levied violent threats targeting elected officials, individuals associated with abortion or LGBTQ+

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NY Judge Holds Police Accountable: Denial of Video Surveillance to CompassCare is “Not the Final Order”

On Wednesday October 26, Judge Edward Pace of the New York State Supreme Court of Erie County heard oral arguments regarding a firebombed pro-life medical network’s lawsuit against the Amherst Police Department. CompassCare is petitioning the court to order the Amherst Police in the first ring suburb of Buffalo, NY to return video surveillance of

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FBI Director Christopher Wray Hides Behind Conservative, Catholic FBI Agents to Get Firebombed CompassCare CEO to Back Down

On October 12, around 9:00am EDT, Ted Cruz and 39 other congressmen and senators released an open letter to FBI Director, Christopher Wray, regarding the obvious abuse of the FACE Act, indicting and raiding the homes of peaceful pro-life leaders. In addition to that, they recognized the abdication of duty to pro-life victims of violence.

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Ted Cruz and Others Call for FBI Accountability for Attacks Against Pro-lifers—Firebombed Pro-Life Strategist Says Attacks Not About Abortion

On October 12, forty (40) U.S. Senators and Congressmen, including Ted Cruz, sent an open letter to FBI Director, Christopher Ray, demanding the FBI give an account of their abuse of the FACE Act, targeting peaceful pro-life leaders while at the same time refusing to pursue arrests for over 150 actual FACE Act violations against

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Pro-Life Leader Calls for Indictment of Pro-Abortion Politicians and Leaders of the DOJ and FBI for Conspiracy to Deprive Citizens of Rights

On October 5th, the FBI raided the home of yet another peaceful pro-life leader, Chester Gallagher, for his involvement in a peaceful pro-life demonstration that took place last year outside Nashville, TN. The Department of Justice, in a press release alleges, “…on March 5, 2021, the 11 individuals, aided and abetted by one another, used

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Biden and Harris Double Down on Abortion Ahead of Midterms

On October 4, at the Second Reproductive Health Task Force meeting was hosted at the White House. Both Vice President Harris and President Biden were present. They insisted they would enshrine abortion as a right through the legislature if they retained control of the House and Senate at the mid-term elections. Fueling their mid-term election

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CompassCare Releases Description of Perpetrators, Implying FBI Involvement in Crime; Offers $5,000 Reward

On September 19th, CompassCare filed a special proceeding in the Supreme Court of New York in Erie County for the Amherst Police Department to return CompassCare’s private property, specifically security footage of the multiple perpetrators who firebombed CompassCare’s pro-life medical office in Buffalo. When asked on September 20 by Epoch Times reporter, John Ransom, why

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FBI Whistleblower Claims Child Sex Abuse Investigations Deprioritized in Favor of False Domestic Violent Extremism Cases—FBI then Raids Non-Violent Pro-life Leader’s Home

In 2019, former Planned Parenthood executive, Mayra Rodriguez, in Arizona sued for wrongful termination after she blew the whistle on the abortion giant claiming systematic sex crime cover-ups. She told one reporter that “many illegal immigrant women who work in the fields are raped by their foremen and then taken to Planned Parenthood.” There they

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