On January 11 the 118th Congress passed H.R. 26, a bill dubbed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Democrats voted in lockstep, utilizing a new strategy. A floor speech by newly elected Rep. Hillary Scholten of MI, prior to the vote, underscored pro-abortion Democrat’s newest ploy to Christianize abortion, undermining the equality of all human life thereby setting the stage to criminalize public pro-life activity. After the bill passed the House, former Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, drove the ploy home stating, “These are serious, personal decisions that must be made by women guided by faith….”
It has been a long-time goal of the abortion industry to criminalize pro-life activity. They have done this through legislation like the FACE Act, targeting side-walk ministers as well as the recent NY legislation vilifying pregnancy centers through a phony investigation. Hillary Clinton compared pro-lifers to middle eastern terrorists, Elizabeth Warren insists pro-life pregnancy centers are torturing women, demanding all of them be shut down. All this is happening while an organized pro-abortion terrorist group known as Jane’s Revenge gets a pass from federal law enforcement for issuing ultimatums, threatening death, or arson for pregnancy centers that refuse to shut down. This more recent tactic to Christianize abortion, if successful, could prove to be the most dangerous.
The legal precedent regarding when something violates the religious liberty of an individual is defined by whether or not it can be proven that the person’s belief concerns ‘ultimate ideas’ about ‘life, purpose, and death,” excluding “…political preferences.” Opinions do not qualify for religious protection. Beginning the process of criminalizing pro-life expression necessitates reducing the pro-life position from violating a core tenant of Christianity to merely a “take-it-or-leave-it” option. Once that is done, it will be difficult to claim religious liberty protection for pro-life activity and speech—which is the final cord holding back the mass criminalization of all pro-life expression.
Pro-life strategist and CEO of firebombed pro-life medical network, Rev. Jim Harden, was the first to identify pro-abortion Democrats’ latest initiative last August. In light of the dissenting arguments of those such as Rep. Scholten and others, Harden worries, “The rejection of H.R. 26 is the latest example of the abortion industry’s tactic to Christianize abortion.” Harden said, “If pro-abortion Democrats can fabricate a Christianity that is pro-abortion, it could undermine the 1st Amendment protections afforded pro-life physicians and pregnancy centers who refuse to perform or refer for abortion based on grounds of religious exemptions and freedom of speech.” On the lead-up to the mid-term elections, pro-abortion Democrats quietly began a campaign to Christianize abortion. Around the reversal of Roe, a group of unorthodox Rabbis filed suit against Florida’s newly adopted 15-week abortion ban claiming it violates their religious freedom. Since Christianity is based on the teachings found in the Old Testament, pro-abortion Rabbinic interpretation of OT law would help the pro-abortion Democrats build their case. Then VP Harris, during a speech at a White House Reproductive Task Force meeting, said being a Christian did not preclude a person to vote for a pro-abortion candidate. California Governor Gavin Newsom then began a nationwide billboard campaign encouraging women to travel to CA for their abortions quoting Jesus saying, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And in the abortion capital of the U.S., NY Gov. Hochul, while stumping from the pulpit of a church said about abortion that, “God is out there, on our side….”
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