Tag Archives: president

5-Point Plan to Prosecute Corruption within Federal Law Enforcement

The following plan is prescribed by pro-life strategist, Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of firebombed CompassCare, to put an end to the corruption of federal law enforcement that is persecuting Christians. Because federal law enforcement is the purview of the Executive branch, any serious Presidential candidate must have a plan to address the deep-seated corruption. Summary

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Abortion Battle Heats Up

Abortion Battle Heats Up

Having the most pro-life acting President since Roe v Wade is heating up the abortion battle. Fear of overturning the 1973 Supreme Court decision is driving liberal states to fever-pitched lawmaking frenzies. Places like New York have two goals: 1) Deregulate abortion, and 2) Regulate pro-life physicians and pregnancy centers. New York attempted to totally

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