Tag Archives: Law Enforcement

NY’s Pro-Abortion Constitutional Amendment

New Yorkers will be asked to enshrine abortion as a fundamental right in the state constitution come November. It is Proposal Number One and ironically entitled the “Equal Rights Amendment. (ERA)” The amendment could outlaw activity by any organization or person perceived as discriminating against a woman based on “pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and

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After 18 Months, FBI Finally Calls Pro-abortion Antifa Attacks “Domestic Terrorism”

For Immediate Release: November 9, 2023 For the first time after 310 attacks on pro-life entities over 18 months, the FBI is finally calling the attacks “domestic terrorism.” When asked by Fox News reporter Alexander Hall about the status of investigations into the CompassCare firebombing in light of CompassCare’s recent FACE Act lawsuit, the FBI

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NY Protects Criminal Abortionists

In 2022 alone, New York gave millions to abortionists to increase their security, recruit more abortionists, enhance their infrastructure to deal out more chemical abortion, stockpile chemical abortion drugs, while passing legislation insulating abortionists from criminal liability for violating chemical abortion laws. Ironically, New York’s investment is happening when the abortion industry’s only competition, pro-life

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First Pro-Abortion Attacker Conviction—DOJ Silent

After over 300 attacks on pro-life entities, the Erie County, New York District Attorney’s office secured the first criminal conviction of an attacker who pled guilty to defacing the private property of the office of pro-life medical network CompassCare. The perpetrator was originally charged with a class E felony, but pled guilty to disorderly conduct

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Amherst Police Make First Arrest in Recent Attacks on Buffalo Pro-Life Medical Office

Buffalo, NY—On Saturday, March 25, a suspect was arrested pursuant to the most recent attack on March 16 on CompassCare’s pro-life medical office in Buffalo. According to a press release issued by the Amherst Police Department (APD), 39-year-old Hannah Kamke was arrested for one count of criminal mischief, a Class E felony carrying a mandatory

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