Serve Women. Save Babies. Never Stop.

Provide ethical medical care and comprehensive community support to women considering abortion. Your gift of $570 helps one woman seriously considering abortion have her baby—from marketing through 12 months of follow-up!

Is the Church Ready for Abortion Tourism?

New York (NY) State has more abortions per capita than any other state in the union. At the same time, pro-life pregnancy centers in NY have the capacity to serve only a minuscule percentage of women considering abortion…except in Rochester, home of CompassCare. The pro-life infrastructure in NY is so small it is like trying to douse a house engulfed in flames with the bucket of suds left over from washing the car in the driveway.

AMA Ignores Science to Coddle Abortionists

The American Medical Association (AMA) has joined a lawsuit with the last remaining abortionist in North Dakota against a new state requirement mandating full disclosure to a woman that her chemical abortion could be reversed. The AMA summarily rejects scientific studies demonstrating the effectiveness of progesterone therapy for reversing chemical abortions. 85% of all chemical

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