Tag Archives: family

What Matters Most?

What matters most in good times matters even more in bad. CompassCare is a Christ-centered agency first and foremost. Over 150 women submitted their lives to Christ at CompassCare so far this year, a 38% increase over 2019. Why does CompassCare remain unapologetically gospel-centric? Wouldn’t it be easier if we just left God out of

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The gospel requires every Christian to oppose abortion?

  Why is it that the most strongly pro-life people are Christians? And why do so many Bible-believing pastors speak prophetically against abortion? Does the gospel require it? Christians know abortion is not just another justice issue. Abortion represents society’s fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be human. If we are all made in

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When Childbearing is Divorced from Marriage…

As goes marriage, so goes society. Marriage is society’s prime institution, first in history and first in importance. Predating government, the union of a man and a woman has happened in all societies for all time. Marriage is the thread of society’s fabric. A marriage is a micro-society. When a man and a woman marry,

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