“This Is a Miracle!”

Asia discovered she was pregnant and immediately felt paralyzed with fear. Feeling completely incapable of going through a pregnancy and parenting, she made an appointment with a local abortionist for a chemical abortion. The nurse at the abortionist handed her two pills, instructing Asia to take the first one now, and the second in 48 hours.

After swallowing the first pill, Asia went home to rest.  Later that day, her heart ached as she began to notice bleeding and some mild cramping. She fell asleep, wondering if she had made the right decision.

When she woke up in the morning, an overwhelming sense of regret descended upon her. “What have I done? How could I kill this gift?” she silently cried. Asia feverishly began searching online to see if there was any possible way to stop a chemical abortion. Sobbing with relief, she discovered that there is.

She learned that CompassCare could give her the necessary treatment to sustain the pregnancy by reversing the effects of the pill she took. Asia quickly called, scheduling an appointment within an hour of her call. She desperately hoped it wasn’t too late to save her baby’s life.

Progesterone therapy treatment offsetting the chemicals of the abortion pill was begun. Asia scheduled a return appointment where an ultrasound is performed to determine how the baby is doing. Additionally, when presented with the good news of the gospel, Asia joyously surrendered her life to Jesus.

At her next appointment, Asia came in with tears in her eyes, saying she’s been experiencing a great deal of bleeding and cramping. Things didn’t look good and the situation grew even more grave when, during the ultrasound, there was no sign of growth or life. Devastated, Asia realized her baby had lost her life due to the abortion pill. 

Resigned to the apparent reality of her situation, Asia stopped the progesterone treatments and made an appointment with an OB/GYN that week to complete the abortion. Before that appointment, her CompassCare nurse called to check in on her and see if Asia would like one more ultrasound, just in case.  Asia agreed, hoping for a miracle.

Her nurse welcomed her and together they looked at the ultrasound screen.  Asia blinked twice and then rubbed her eyes in amazement. Could it be? The image was fuzzy but then came into focus…the beating of a tiny heart. Asia absolutely beamed, exclaiming, “This is a miracle!”

Asia went on to have a normal pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy, 7 lb. little girl just a few months ago.

Disclaimer: Names and details have been changed to protect patient confidentiality.

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