Serve Women. Save Babies. Never Stop.

Your monthly gift of $47 helps one woman seriously considering abortion have her baby. It only costs $570 to provide a woman with ethical medical care and comprehensive community support!

Pregnancy Centers Serving More Abortion-minded Women–Executives Say, ‘Optimization Tool Works!’

CompassCare spent the last eight years developing and perfecting a system of marketing, care, and follow-up specifically designed to reach and serve abortion-minded women more effectively. After slow and methodical training and implementation in select medical Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC) from California to New York one thing is clear: The Optimization Tool (OT) works! And

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CompassCare’s Linear Service Model (the OT) Now Yours to Download

CompassCare’s OT serves two very important purposes:1) Insulates medical PRCs from external threats (like investigations and regulations) and internal risks (such as having advocates providing misinformation or RNs delivering unauthorized medical advice) by helping to insure that each patient interaction is done in a way that meets or exceeds traditional standards of medical ethics every

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Looming HHS Mandates Force You and Me to Pay For Abortion while CompassCare Has Best Year Ever

Scheduled patient appointments are up 73% year to date over last year! The number of women who arrive for their appointments is up 59%. The number of positive pregnancy tests is up 63%. The number of abortion-minded women served is up 84%! Help CompassCare continue to multiply its success! Because of the generosity and prayers

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ObamaCare Forces You to Directly Pay for Abortion

According to an analysis by both Americans United for Life and the Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly Alliance Defense Fund) the new ‘Affordable Care Act’ also known as ObamaCare forces all Americans not only to purchase insurance that pays for abortion and abortion-causing birth control but even worse forces each plan member to pay a fee

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Supreme Court’s Health Care Decision Will Change the Way You Live

Many are asking how the Supreme Court decision announced yesterday June 28th, 2012 upholding the constitutionality of the health care reform act impacts Christians, churches, and pro-life organizations like pregnancy centers. A new religious fanaticism has been born and it is American State government. The following is a list demonstrating how the Affordable Care Act

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