Lend to the Lord: Proverbs 19:17

In the last five years over 10,000 women at risk for abortion have gone on to have their babies nationwide because of CompassCare! In fact, Monroe County, home of CompassCare, now has the lowest abortion rate in 40 years.

There is not enough room to list all the amazing things the CompassCare team has done in 2013. Suffice it to say that CompassCare continued its extremely high rate of performance in 2013. In fact, at the time of this writing CompassCare has helped at least 96 women seriously considering abortion have their babies in Rochester, and 13% of all women served committed their lives to Christ!

Success in reaching more women and helping more of them to have their babies is rooted in the desire to please God. We see in the Parable of the Talents that God expects a return on the resources He entrusts to us (Matthew 25: 14-30). But what does God consider a good investment? Jesus answers that question in the parable that immediately follows about the Sheep and the Goats in verses 31-46. The sheep enter in to the joy of their master, just like the faithful servants in the Parable of the Talents, but for a very specific kind of investment…people. When blessing the righteous sheep with inheritance of the kingdom he explains why: “For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me’” (Matthew 25: 35-36).

From God’s perspective, the only thing that can increase the value of our time and possessions is if they are invested in eternal souls, people. And since those eternal souls in which we are able to invest are more or less attached to temporal, physical bodies, how we treat them is an indicator of how well we understand and serve our King.

Further, it is not just any type of person God is asking us to serve. He is not just asking husbands to buy a dozen roses for their wives on their wedding anniversary. He is talking specifically about those that have no resources with which to protect themselves or ability to pay you back. He quantifies a good return based on our investment in individuals that have no other recourse, advocate or friend.

Think about it for a minute: Those that are hungry and thirsty are the poor without financial resources. The stranger is one who is socially marginalized. The naked are the demonized. The sick and imprisoned are those who have lost their physical freedom for whatever reason. Those people, the poor, the marginalized, the alienated, the sick and imprisoned represent the sinner’s position before a holy and righteous God. Jesus’ sole purpose for coming to this earth was to empty Himself of His resources for us, who were imprisoned to our sin-sick soul, without rights or standing in the Kingdom of God, spiritually emaciated. He died and rose from the grave in defeat of sin that we might be set free to go and do likewise.Gateway

“When Jesus had finished all these words [ in the Parables of the Talent and the Sheep and the Goats], He said to His disciples, ‘You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man is to be handed over for crucifixion.’” (Matthew 26: 1-2). It is as if Jesus were saying, “What I just described as My expectation for the investment of your resources in those parables, I am going to do for you. I’ll show you what I mean. I’ll give you the power to do it in the Holy Spirit. Follow me.”

This investment in others is called redemption. The role we play as Christians ought to mirror that which Jesus played on our behalf at the cross. And the cross is not merely a good example, the story of some great teacher or martyr. No, it is the very gateway to the power of any and all true redemption. Any good we do investing in the lives of the people around us can only come from the power we have through the cross of Christ setting us free first. In America today the most marginalized are the woman facing unplanned pregnancy, coerced by fear, exploited by unethical abortionists, caught between what she knows to be right (having the baby) and the seeming impossibility of doing what’s right by herself. In America today, the most disenfranchised is the preborn baby deemed to have no rights as a person and no voice to speak on his own behalf. Who will speak for those children? Who will serve those mothers? Jesus did and His followers will too.

Remember CompassCare in your prayers and with consistent financial support in 2014. Donate here.