Category Archives: Real Abortion News

Abortion Biz CEO Owns Up to Racist History

On April 17 the New York Times published an article by Planned Parenthood Federation’s CEO, Alexis McGill Johnson. Johnson said it was finally time for Planned Parenthood to stop hiding the eugenic and deeply racist principles promoted by their founder, Margaret Sanger, which have been perpetuated by generations of Planned Parenthood leadership. The largest abortion

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New York Legislature Targets Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Again

A New York bill targeting pro-life pregnancy centers for investigation passed the health committee with a vote strictly along party lines, Democrats voting for and Republicans voting against. Pregnancy centers are small non-profits providing women facing unplanned pregnancy with the resources she needs for her and her baby to thrive. These organizations are all privately

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What Can We Do About Abortion?

Because we are all made in the image of God, we are all equally valuable and deserving of protection. Abortion is not just another social issue. It is a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be human under God. Richard John Neuhaus once said, abortion is “the greatest human rights cause of…all times….” He

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Is the Equality Act Unfair?

The incendiary Equality Act is a top priority in the Biden administration. It passed in the House and now faces a split Senate where Vice President Harris could cast the deciding vote. The bill contains language threatening the rights of pro-life healthcare professionals refusing to participate in abortion. Because the bill overrides religious liberty protections,

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