For Immediate Release: April 27, 2023
A recent Buffalo Antifa counter-protest of a conservative speaker had nearly 1000 aggressive people show up (watch video beginning at minute 2 showing results of private investigation). Now those same pro-abortion Antifa agitators are doxing pro-life doctors in New York. This comes after CompassCare deprived pro-abortion Antifa extremists of three high-profile, counter-protest opportunities at one the largest pro-life events in the northeast, CompassCare’s Walk for Life Weekend. CompassCare is pivoting its longstanding fundraiser to protect pro-life children and families from unnecessary exposure to pro-abortion violence—violence which CompassCare CEO, Rev. Harden claims neither New York State Police nor FBI and DOJ have sought to suppress.
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AK) and Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (R-NY) join Rev. Harden to support not only CompassCare’s life-saving services but to protect the work of all pro-life pregnancy centers nationwide from violence and censorship through the Pregnancy Resource Center Defense Act.
CompassCare’s Walk for Life is the largest pro-life education and fundraising event in the northeast. The event represents hundreds of churches, businesses, and thousands of people raising awareness and funds to provide for the unmet health and resource needs of women considering abortion in NY and nationally through TeleCare—competing with the abortion industry by cutting the critical time it takes for a woman to interact with a pro-life nurse from 24 hours to 24 seconds. CompassCare’s Buffalo medical office was firebombed by the pro-abortion Antifa terror group, Jane’s Revenge, on June 7, 2022, shortly after the Walk for Life last year. Since then, over 300 pro-life entities have been attacked with no criminal convictions anywhere.
On February 20, March 16, and April 7, CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, warned the FBI that the chemical abortion ruling in U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Texas would spark more violence against pro-life organizations and people, especially if the judge overturned the FDA’s approval of chemical abortion—which he did.
CompassCare was attacked a second time in the early morning of March 16, just hours after the Texas Court hearing to overturn the FDA’s illegal approval of the dangerous chemical abortion drug dubbed the ‘Chemical Coat Hanger,” Mifepristone. That perpetrator was apprehended and plead guilty, yet the DOJ refuses to indict her for a FACE Act violation despite AG Garland’s commitment before a Senate Judiciary Committee when questioned on the topic. Rev. Harden’s concerns regarding more pro-abortion extremist activity are validated.
Rev. Harden wonders, “Since the FBI, NY State Police Domestic Terror Division, and the DOJ has been warned and failed to act regarding threats and attacks on pro-life citizens, and even turned their investigative and arresting power on pro-life victims, does that mean they are guilty of the third KKK Act of 1871, with possible predicate acts, as they were aware, participated in, and in a position to prevent actions that deprived pro-life citizens of equal protection under the law?” Rev. Harden is referring to violations of 42 U.S.C. sections 1985 and 1986.
Help CompassCare expand to reach and serve even more women seriously considering abortion in NY and across the United States.