83 Congressmen Attempt to Hold Health Care Hostage in the Name of Abortion

On July 8th, President Joe Biden signed an executive order, declaring that the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health ruling will “continue to have devastating implications…” even calling the situation a “health crisis.” Four days later, on July 12th, 83 pro-abortion congressmen sent an open letter to Biden and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), calling the Court’s ruling a “radical and dangerous decision,” demanding that Biden declare a public health emergency.

Given the HHS’s guidance to pharmacies and organizations such as the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology’s (ABOG) statement in response to the Dobbs decision, it seems that pro-abortion politicians and organizations are turning their sights on pro-life doctors and pharmacies in addition to pro-life pregnancy centers. While the rights of conscience for doctors and pharmacies are protected under the Church Amendments and certification under the ABOG is optional for physicians, these reactions in conjunction with Biden and the 83 other pro-abortion congressmen seem to indicate a concerted effort to take health care hostage in order to insulate the faltering, billion-dollar abortion industry from the lawful effects of the Dobbs decision—the decision that forced the abortion empire to pivot to a hub-and spoke model.

In stark contrast, pro-life pregnancy centers are experiencing a nationwide, pro-abortion crimewave. Despite increased threats by pro-abortion terrorists and pro-abortion politicians alike, pro-life organizations such as CompassCare are expanding to serve the unmet health and resource needs of women facing unplanned pregnancy nationwide. CompassCare is giving away 21st-century telehealth tools to 650 pro-life pregnancy centers, enabling them to serve every woman considering abortion in the United States while competing head-on with the abortion industry for the first time since 1973.

A public health emergency may be declared in the event of a major outbreak of a disease or disorder, or as the result of a bioterrorist attack. CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, asks, “Do pro-abortion politicians believe that a pregnancy is a disease? Are babies a bioterrorist attack? And, if abortion is the proposed cure to this alleged emergency, will doctors be forced to provide abortions and will women be forced to receive them?”


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1 comment on “83 Congressmen Attempt to Hold Health Care Hostage in the Name of Abortion”

  1. Pingback: Biden Administration and Pro-abortion Politicians Admit to Dangers of Chemical Abortion (Guest: Jim Harden) - Special Guests

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