Serve Women. Save Babies. Never Stop.

Your monthly gift of $47 helps one woman seriously considering abortion have her baby. It only costs $570 to provide a woman with ethical medical care and comprehensive community support!

Pregnancy Center 1st Amendment Rights Restricted

New York City Council Bill No. 371 violates the First Amendment Rights of certain pregnancy centers in each of the five New York City boroughs. A similar measure is being proposed, SHB 1366, in Washington State fought by the formidable Beth Chase and her team. US District Judge Marvin Garbis, ruled similar legislation affecting Baltimore’s

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Call for Standards and Accountability

CompassCare has been beating the drum of standards and accountability since 2005 when we copyrighted the first Linear Service Model for medical pregnancy centers ever. After seeing 2039 women at risk for abortion having their babies in 2010 in just 10 PRCs we have seen the value. Value not just in terms of being more

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New Linear Service Model: Practical Insights Blog

CompassCare is excited to announce another new and free resource for medical pregnancy center executives. Announcing the “Linear Service Model: Practical Insights” blog dedicated to communicating the actual results, experiences, and lessons learned from pregnancy centers that are currently using a linear service model (LSM) to reach and serve women seriously considering abortion more effectively.

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PA Abortion Provider-40 Lawsuits and 9 Staff in Custody

State Health Departments fail to enforce existing regulations for abortion providers and Pennsylvania is no exception. A very astute pregnancy center executive running a highly effective linear service operation recently said, “Abortion providers are morally incapable of providing ethical medical services.” And every once in a while that truth becomes obvious. If there are regulations

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Bill of Rights for Women Facing Unintended Pregnancy

Due to the polarizing nature of the political climate concerning abortion in America, women facing unplanned pregnancy are at high risk of victimization by service organizations. Women facing unplanned pregnancy are susceptible to unique forms of conflict of interest. An example of a conflict of interest would be abortion providers who have a vested financial

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Improving Mission Effectivness for 2011

As executives we face a myriad of daily challenges. Everything from dealing with individual client issues, staffing challenges, donor communications, media inquiries, to running board and committee meetings, etc clamor for our time. If we are not careful we will miss doing what only you and I as executives can do for the organization; maintaining

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Standardization, Accountability, Measurability, Continuous Improvement

CompassCare has been committed to serving the Pregnancy Center movement since 2006 by identifying standards, structuring client/patient care plans around those standards, providing real tools to maintain accountability of roles for those serving the women as well as creating and maintaining key measures that help each center know how well they are performing. This empowers

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Pregnancy Centers in Real Danger

We learned a lot by CompassCare testifying at a hearing of the New York City Council yesterday. For my official testimony click NYC Legislation Regulating Pregnancy Centers. What we realized at this hearing was that Pregnancy Centers are at greater risk than we thought. The council itself seemed to be colluding with NARAL, Planned Parenthood,

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Linear Service Model=Continuous Improvement Part 2

Since we are committed to getting better at what we do we must be willing to do the hard work necessary to get and understand the right information about how our services are influencing our clients/patients in the first place. This is the value of a Linear Service Model. There are several elements required for

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