“I Really Want to Keep My Baby…”

Marianna called CompassCare to schedule an appointment. Suspecting she may be pregnant, she wanted to confirm her pregnancy and confided that she needed a safe place to learn about her options. Her boyfriend was pressuring her to get an abortion she didn’t want.

After arriving at CompassCare’s office and being greeted by the friendly patient receptionist, Marianna was seated in one of CompassCar’s exam rooms. Confiding in her nurse, Marianna said, “I really want to keep [my baby]… but [my boyfriend] doesn’t…”

Marianna had not spoken with anyone in her family about her pregnancy, hoping an ultrasound would bring clarity to her situation. She expressed joy at seeing her preborn baby on the ultrasound screen and talked with her nurse about her hopes for a future with her baby. Marianna was immediately awakened to the truth of Christ’s love for her when her nurse shared the gospel. Praying in the exam room where her heart was warmed to her baby, Marianna surrendered control of her life to Jesus. She made a return appointment and left with a study Bible containing highlighted verses for new believers.

Upon her return the following week, Marianna’s mind was made up. She is going to have her baby! Hungry to understand the scriptures, she had already met with her Christian grandmother several times over the past week to study the highlighted verses in her new study Bible. Marianna is also now connected to one of CompassCare’s MotherCare mentors who will be walking with her through her pregnancy and helping her connect to a local church.

Marianna, like so many women, found herself trapped by her circumstances—feeling pressured into an abortion. The Church through CompassCare is dedicated to reaching and serving every woman in the U.S. experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, serving them with ethical medical care and comprehensive community support from LA to NY through TeleCare and in-person appointments.

Disclaimer: Names and details have been changed to protect patient confidentiality.

Attacks on Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Are Not About Abortion

Update: On May 2, a draft of the Dobbs Supreme Court decision overturning Roe was leaked, sparking a crimewave leading to the literal burning of CompassCare’s medical office in Buffalo on June 7. On June 13, NY Gov. Hochul signed a bill to investigate pro-life pregnancy centers, calling pro-life people ‘Neanderthals.’ On June 17, twenty-two federal legislators demanded Google censor pregnancy centers to prevent women from finding us… Read more.

Not Backing Down: Leading the Charge with New Office, Rebuild & Telecare

CompassCare is leading the charge to protect pro-life pregnancy centers by coordinating with a team of 30 lawyers to combat violence and censorship, opening a new medical office with the capacity to serve 25% of all women considering abortion in NY’s Capital Region, rebuilding and expanding the firebombed Buffalo facility, and launching telecare and state-of-the-art telecare in 10 strategic regions across the U.S., including New York City. Learn more.

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