“Oh, I am definitely keeping my baby!”

Oh, I am definitely keeping my baby!

Trisha fled to Rochester to escape a domestic abuse situation. Alone, without a job or any connections locally, Trisha discovered that she was pregnant. With no insurance or any means to pay for healthcare, she was delighted to learn that CompassCare’s services are free. 

Trisha’s nurse greeted her warmly and invited her into the exam room where they talked about her situation. Trisha stated definitively that she needs an abortion and listed all of her reasons. “It sounds like you’re in a very challenging situation, Trisha.  I’m sorry for that but I am glad you found CompassCare. I am committed to helping you walk through this,” her nurse compassionately responded. 

Trisha agreed to an ultrasound and seemed to soften when she could see her 10-week old baby on the screen. After the ultrasound she and her nurse talked through all the options available, emphasizing the many wonderful support agencies located in Monroe County. Her nurse also shared the name of a local church where Trisha would be welcomed in a caring community she desperately longed for. She agreed to be contacted by a MotherCare team member from that church.

Oh, I am definitely keeping my baby!

Near the end of her appointment, her nurse shared the good news of God’s love for her, His embodiment of that love in the person of Jesus Christ, and offered an invitation for Trisha to surrender her life to the Lord. She eagerly received this gift of God’s grace and prayed with her nurse. Before leaving, Trisha said she had a lot to think about and was no longer sure about aborting. She came back a week later for her return appointment. After the ultrasound exam, her nurse asked how she was feeling about her pregnancy.  Trisha beamed and said, “Oh, I am definitely keeping my baby!”

1 comment on ““Oh, I am definitely keeping my baby!””

  1. Bob Sierk Reply

    What a beautiful story! Two births taking place. One physical and one spiritual. Now that’s a labor for Jesus! Thanks to Him and all of you!

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