Life is busy. She’s trying to finish school. Now Norah suspects that she may be pregnant. Living in a small Brooklyn apartment with her grandmother, a child in the cramped living space didn’t seem doable for Norah. Without telling a soul—not even her mom or close friends—she began searching for abortion pills online.
But instead of an online abortionist, Norah found CompassCare’s online TeleCare. Even thought it was late in the evening, immediately a nurse chatted with her.
Norah’s nurse encouraged her to confirm that she was pregnant with an in-office diagnostic appointment before making any final decisions. A few days later, Norah met a nurse in the CompassCare Mobile Medical Unit parked in a Brooklyn neighborhood.
Norah first noticed the impressive professionalism of the Mobile Medical Unit. Despite being chilly outside, the temperature inside was moderate. There was an ultrasound machine, a bathroom, and an exam area with a large screen to display the image of her baby. In fact, she preferred the Mobile Unit to any medical clinic she ever experienced!
Norah’s eyes lit up like the ultrasound screen when a healthy, 14-week-old baby appeared.
“I had no idea!” Norah exclaimed, seeing her baby moving on-screen. “I guess I’m having a baby!”
Norah’s journey started by searching for abortion pills. Had she gone to an online abortionist instead of CompassCare, she would have been sent dangerous abortion pills without even confirming 1) she is pregnant or 2) how far along she is. At this gestational age, those pills could have had killed the baby but also caused serious health problems for Norah like sepsis, hemorrhaging, or death.
Worst of all, she would never have been given the chance to see her baby, allowing her heart to be warmed to this new child. Praise God Norah found CompassCare!
The nurse printed ultrasound images of her baby for Norah to take home. As the appointment drew to an end, Norah was presented with an opportunity to hear the Gospel. Norah heard the story of grace before. She even heard her grandmother pray with someone before. But until this moment she never bowed her heart to Jesus.
Deciding to continue her pregnancy, and with an expectant and joyful future ahead of her, Norah surrendered her life to Jesus. Right there in that van, parked along a busy street in the middle of the day in Brooklyn, the abortion capital of America. She left the Mobile Medical Unit with a spring in her step telling her nurse that she looked forward to telling her grandma the good news.
Were it not for your prayers and financial support, Norah’s story could have ended in tragedy and death rather than joy and life. What’s more, Norah is just one of over 3,000 women you helped serve in 2024.
On behalf of Norah, her baby, and all the other women and babies you help save from abortion, thank you!

Hope: New Year’s Resolution
Hope is knowing that our past mistakes are not the bars of a future prison. Hope provides context to endure hardship. But hope without God in Christ is a threadbare blanket in a winter-world. Hope is the warmth of the light of God’s Son. Jesus is the basis for all hope. Read more.

2024 Annual
Over 3,000 women served, $3.2 million in free medical services distributed, and 130 million people reached with the truth that all people are made in God’s Image, deserving of blessing and protection. Check out CompassCare’s 2024 Annual Report! Learn more.