Hope is knowing that our past mistakes are not the bars of a future prison. Hope provides context to endure hardship. But hope without God in Christ is a threadbare blanket in a winter-world. Hope is the warmth of the light of God’s Son.
God’s people through CompassCare are providing the hope of Christ to thousands of women facing the frigidity of a false savior—abortion. In 2024, the Church through CompassCare reached millions with the truth that all people, born and preborn, are made in God’s image and infinitely valued. Proving this truth, God became flesh in Jesus to shed His infinitely valuable blood on the cross, revealing the price He is willing to pay to buy us back from sin and death.
CompassCare’s New Year’s resolution is to serve twice as many women in 2025! Any gift made towards CompassCare’s NYC expansion will be matched, dollar-for-dollar.
Go to www.compasscarecommunity.com/donate to have your gift matched today!
Jesus said to His disciples just before the crucifixion, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you” (Jn. 13:34). This new commandment demands that those with faith in Jesus 1) recognize the truth that all people are infinitely valuable and 2) demonstrate this truth in sacrifice for others as Christ did for us. It is no coincidence that God—in whose image we are made—created motherhood as the living picture of Jesus’ new command, life issuing from self-sacrifice.
The world insists that having a baby destroys all hope of a woman’s future. Upside-down worldly wisdom dictates that the only hope to save her future is not to sacrifice for her baby but rather to sacrifice the baby for her. And while life will never be the same after having the baby, a woman’s life is far from over and could very well represent the dawning of hope in her life. What then is hope?
Satan through the world peddles the age-old lie of self-hope. You are whoever you want to be. You can do whatever you want to do. The only sin is not being true to yourself. Your value is whatever you assign yourself.
When God our Creator and Father is extracted from understanding who we are and where we are going, it freezes the tap-root of our soul. In time the icy darkness insinuates its futility into everything our life touches.
Without God, there can be no purpose. Without God humanity is an accident, emanating from no one and going nowhere, each of us utterly alone and adrift. And this abject lostness is ridiculously defended with terms like personal autonomy, women’s choice, and reproductive rights. But to a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, her autonomy feels like abandonment and her choice feels like coercion.
Enter Emmanuel.
Jesus’ death on the cross tells each of us that I have a Creator, that I lost my way, that by virtue of the infinite value of His shed blood I am infinitely valuable, and that I cannot save myself. Jesus is the basis for all hope. With a clear understanding of our sin problem linked with redemption from that sin, hope is real and it changes everything.
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place” (2 Cor. 2:14). Our Father God reveals Himself to us, adopting us through Christ as sons and daughters of the Most High, tasking us with expanding His kingdom, of which we are co-heirs with Christ, over which we will co-reign forever (Rom. 8:14-17; Rev. 22:5). The service and sacrifices we make in this life, in Christ, for our fellow man, will last forever (1 Cor. 3:12-13)! Hope.
Hope is why CompassCare’s 2025 New Year’s Resolution is to double yet again the number of women and babies saved from abortion.
And while we seek to save more lives, we will continue fighting for the right to save those lives. As we seek “to raise up the age-old foundations” of civilized order (Is. 58:12), like the repairers of the wall in Nehemiah’s day under attack from “everyplace you may turn” (Neh. 4:12), “each wore his sword girded at his side as he built” (Neh. 4:18). We too will “arise and build” (Neh. 2:18), neither stopping nor slowing for souls of limitless value are at stake.
P.S. Giving hope and a future to a woman and her baby for just $47 per month. By making a monthly commitment to a woman and her baby at www.compasscarecommunity.com/donate! |

Her Eyes Lit Up…
She’s trying to finish school. She suspects that she may be pregnant. Living in a small Brooklyn apartment with her grandmother, a child in the cramped living space didn’t seem doable for Norah. Without telling a soul—not even her mom or close friends—she began searching for abortion pills online. Read more.

2024 Annual Report
Over 3,000 women served, $3.2 million in free medical services distributed, and 130 million people reached with the truth that all people are made in God’s Image, deserving of blessing and protection. Check out CompassCare’s 2024 Annual Report! Learn more.