NY Attorney General Illegally Penalizes Pro-lifers for Violations of Her Ideology

For Immediate Release: May 9, 2024

Rochester, NY—On Monday, May 6, 2024, NY Attorney General filed a lawsuit against 12 pro-life organizations, including the firebombed pro-life network, CompassCare, in New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan. If successful, Letitia James could give pro-abortion Antifa their wish, silencing all Christian pregnancy care ministry.

Letitia James is furthering a pattern of illegal activity designed to intimidate and destroy Christian pro-life activity. There have been over 500 attacks on peaceful, pro-life people and organizations. Instead of denouncing the violence, Gov. Kathy Hochul called pro-lifers Neanderthals while signing legislation to investigate pregnancy centers days after the firebombing. AG James never lifted a finger, allowing the terror to continue. Instead, she illegally conspired to censor pregnancy centers in the technological public square, Google—despite the antitrust warning of 17 State Attorneys General. James’ latest move is consistent with the goals of pro-abortion Antifa extremists’ Marxist ideology.

James’ most recent attack is not original. California Attorney General Rob Bonta filed a nearly identical lawsuit against pro-life organizations. CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden reveals that an “ideological war” is being waged against pro-life Christians, saying “The message of James and Bonta is this: if you do not adhere to the State’s ideology, you will be penalized. At the expense of women in crisis, pro-abortion politicians like James justify destroying Christians’ ability to live out our faith, positioning the AG’s office as America’s Orwellian Ministry of Truth. They will not stop at bankrupting organizations like CompassCare. Imprisoning peaceful pro-life Christians has already begun in America, and if these pro-abortion extremists have their way, Christian pregnancy center staff and pro-life pastors are next—followed shortly by anyone who disagrees with the state-approved ideology.”

Rev. Harden, says, “The AG’s actions are illegal, perpetrating a fraud against taxpayers, pregnant women, their preborn babies, and the Constitutional Rule of Law. Should James succeed, it will serve only to rob women of emergency reproductive health care, forcing them to have abortions they don’t want.”

Why is Letitia James going after pregnancy centers for helping women abate chemically induced miscarriage, (a.k.a. abortion), using tried-and-true, natural progesterone therapy, accepted by the FDA as just as safe as Tylenol? This vital therapy is provided by pregnancy centers for free. Yet, the for-profit abortion industry is selling dangerous, chemical abortion with known and quantifiable morbidity and mortality rates without disclosing the serious risks and side effects, while marketing it as “safer than Tylenol.”

Rev. Harden says, “The oppressive lawfare tactics being deployed against pro-lifers nationwide is consistent with the goals of Antifa and their Jane’s Revenge terror group. The litigation brought by ‘Antifa James’ is nothing more than political transference, blaming pro-lifers for the crimes of the profiteering abortion industry. More than that, James’ lawsuit is political activism shamelessly masquerading as law enforcement to penalize pro-life Christians for violations of her ideology. Letitia James needs to be impeached and then indicted for conspiracy to deprive the religious liberty and speech rights of pro-life Christians.”

Women need pro-life pregnancy centers now more than ever. Walk for Life and help CompassCare expand to reach and serve even more women seriously considering abortion in NY and across the United States.