The WorldView in 5 Minutes Talks About Florida Abortionist


Rev. Jim Harden, the CEO of CompassCare crisis pregnancy centers in New York and a pro-life strategist, talked exclusively with The Worldview about how Florida is holding the abortion industry accountable through audits and significant fines.

HARDEN: “On August 14th, the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, which is basically their health department, issued a $193,000 fine to an Orlando abortion provider for 193 counts of denying women informed consent to abortion, a felony in the third degree, in just 17 days, over the duration just 17 days.”

Pastor Harden defined what informed consent means.

HARDEN: “Florida’s informed consent law requires two things. Number 1: Provide information about the humanity of the child and the risks and side effects of abortion to the woman. And Number 2:  Twenty-four hours to think about what she’s just learned before she decides to end the life of her child, so she can give informed consent, fully understanding what she’s really doing. Because many women don’t understand what abortion really does to her and to her baby. The abortion industry maximizes that to sell more abortions.”

The Florida informed consent law includes a mandated ultrasound of the baby in the womb at least 24 hours before the mother can abort that child. The Sunshine State is one of 13 states to have mandatory waiting periods for abortion.

Additionally, Pastor Harden called for government officials nationwide to hold the baby-killing industry accountable.

HARDEN: “I am calling on all state attorneys general, governors, and health departments to hold the abortion industry accountable. I’m urging all the Worldview listeners to call your governors and your attorneys general to conduct an audit and criminal investigations into the abortion industries in your states, to look into abortion fraud, the abortion industry, sex crime cover-ups, and Medicare and other funding fraud as well as violations of the Comstock Act which is the illegal shipping of chemical abortion drugs across state lines.”

Listen to the interview below from The WorldView in 5 Minutes.

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