CompassCare vs. Cuomo Lawsuit
On June 5th, U.S. District Court Judge Thomas McAvoy ruled on the lawsuit CompassCare v Cuomo. The lawsuit challenges a new labor law forcing Christian organizations, including churches, to employ people who do not align with the organization’s beliefs and mission. We are currently considering our legal options, but our principles remain the same: All Americans should be free to live and work according to their beliefs without fear of unjust government punishment.
NYS Abortion Reduction Plan Staff Needs
As CompassCare continues to expand, two key positions need to be filled: Mature, Christian nurses who are passionate about serving women in Buffalo and Rochester and a Christ-centered comptroller with competence in accounting, business admin, HR, and team management.
Walk for Life Raised 40% More Than Goal
The church of Western NY did it! Thousands participated and the people of God invested $506,878 to save more lives and serve more women. Because of your generosity, the Buffalo office mortgage was paid down by 50%. This creates long-term financial stability, freeing more resources for mission services.
Buffalo on Track to Reduce Abortion by 50%
The Church in Buffalo is on track to replicate Rochester’s effectiveness and reduce abortion by 50%. So far in 2020, there has been a 35% increase in women calling to schedule, a 40% increase in lives saved, and a 225% increase in women submitting their lives to Christ!

Abortion, Current Events, and Good News
A young preacher taught the congregation from the book of Isaiah. Isaiah is called the prophet of good news because he prophesies of the coming Messiah who will save His people from God’s wrath upon sin. Still, Isaiah warns of the bad news of God’s judgment upon nations. Why? “For they have rejected the law of the LORD of hosts…” (5:24b). Read more.

“The baby is doing great… I can’t wait to meet him!”
Maria walked into CompassCare’s office with severe morning sickness. She told her nurse she is not able to eat, lost 10 pounds, and had been to the ER multiple times for dehydration. She lost her job because she called in sick too many times and her boyfriend is no longer helping her. Maria was desperate, insisting that she needed an abortion. She couldn’t take it anymore. Read more.