Victoria didn’t know about CompassCare the last time she got pregnant. All she knew was that she was alone, unsupported, and experiencing extreme nausea and dehydration.
Her life in a freefall, she thought ending her pregnancy was her only option.
Tragically, Victoria’s baby was lost to abortion. She didn’t know what to feel and tried to resume life as normal the best she could.
No woman ever truly wants to have an abortion. Like Victoria, because they feel alone and unsupported, they are persuaded to act against their true inner voice—the one that wants to see their child live and thrive.
You serve women like this every day through CompassCare, ensuring they are not alone at a time when genuine love and support is so desperately needed.
Prayerfully consider helping the next Victoria who walks through CompassCare’s door save her baby.
Save a Woman and Baby
Just $570—$47 per month—equips a woman with medical testing, ultrasounds, follow-up, and comprehensive community support. Every woman is given an opportunity to hear the gospel—and nearly 1 in 3 accept the Good News of Christ!
Recently, Victoria found out she was pregnant again. Dreading the thought of going through the emotional and physical turmoil alone again for a second time, she went online for help.
She found CompassCare’s TeleCare network and was served by a nurse in just 24 seconds!
Victoria learned that she could get help for her nausea and receive other vital information about her pregnancy through an in-person appointment in one of CompassCare’s medical offices.
During her appointment at CompassCare later that week, Victoria’s compassionate nurse asked her about her situation.
“I don’t know how I feel about abortion…,” Victoria said, as if in a daze. Her nurse could hear the loneliness in her voice.
An internal battle was brewing between Victoria’s head and her heart. She began to cry. Worried about her own health, she couldn’t bring herself to talk about her baby.
Victoria’s nurse offered her help with her nausea and dehydration, which she accepted. But she left still undecided about whether or not to keep her baby.
Weeks went by with no word from Victoria. Then, one day, she came back for another appointment.
“I’ve decided to keep my baby! You helped me so much, and now everything seems clearer,” Victoria told her nurse.
The contrast between the potential outcome of Victoria’s story before and after CompassCare is stark. One ends in loss, the other in life. Because of you, she chose life.
There are over one million women just like Victoria every year in the United States who can be empowered to keep their babies through the ethical medical care and comprehensive community support that the Church provides through CompassCare.
With your help, they can say no to abortion.
Serve women. Save babies.
*Names and details changed to protect patient confidentiality.