Those Who Change Their Heart Have…Peace of Mind

God often uses hard circumstances as blessings in disguise. Recently, God shed light on three blessings—all on the same day—at CompassCare.

Two pregnant moms recently decided to say “yes” to keeping their babies. Now those three babies can open their eyes to a new world and experience life.

The first patient, who we will call Addison, came to CompassCare torn between getting an abortion or not. She had experienced the tragedy of miscarriage twice before, which compounded her fears of carrying her baby.

Her pregnancy was very early, too early to confirm by ultrasound. She left her initial visit abortion determined, but resolved to wait to confirm her pregnancy by ultrasound.

Addison went to her OBGYN not long after her appointment at CompassCare. She was surprised by her second ultrasound—twins.

Deciding to abort one baby was hard enough; the thought of now having to abort two babies weighed Addison down even more. She returned to CompassCare a week later with a heavy heart, looking for medical care and needing a caring person to talk to.

The CompassCare nurse performed another ultrasound, confirming that there were two babies in Addison’s womb. After seeing her babies for the second time, Addison had made up her mind.

Her nurse noted, “[Addison] knew she could not abort after learning there were two.” She now wanted to keep her two babies.

But God was not done yet.

The next patient we’ll call Zaria. Similar to Addison, the second patient found CompassCare online. In her forties, she has three children who are teenagers. She felt like having a baby would cause her life start over—an overwhelming prospect.

At her first visit, Zaria voiced her concerns over the possible medical complications that could occur if she were to go through with the pregnancy. She ultimately left that day undecided.

Zaria returned a week later—the same day as Addison—with a decision made. Lots of prayers and tears had led her to decide to keep her baby!

Love conquered the battle that was being waged over life. Knowing she was supported, CompassCare gave Zaria a vision of her life after having her baby, giving her the confidence to continue her pregnancy.

Both of these moms put their babies’ lives before their own. Your support of CompassCare helped Addison, Zaria, and over 1500 women this year to protect the lives of their babies.

As a CompassCare nurse said last week, “Those who change their heart have…peace of mind.”

Please consider deepening your investment through CompassCare to transform fear into confidence, serving women and saving babies, through a one-time or monthly gift today.

Serve women. Save babies.

Should Persecuted Christian Pro-Lifers Turn the Other Cheek?

How ought pro-life Christians climb the narrow, craggy mountain trail of persecution? Should we put our heads under the covers, shut our eyes, and pray the monsters go back into the closet? Or should we remain face-to-face with our raging opponent, unflinchingly offering the other cheek (Mt. 5:39)? Is there a difference between personal forgiveness and criminal justice? What should be done when government selectively enforces the law? To what extent is it our Christian duty to participate in holding law enforcement accountable to the rule of law? Read more.

You Are Forging a More Pro-Life Nation
Serve Women. Save Babies

Through CompassCare, you are helping women at risk for abortion see pro-life education via television, radio, and online; providing pregnancy centers across the nation with strategies and materials to help save more women and more babies; leading the charge in protecing pro-life pregnancy centers from violence and censorship; rebuilding and expanding facilities; and making it possible for women seriously considering abortion to reach a pro-life nurse in 24 seconds rather than 24 hours through Telecare. Learn more.

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