Opal had suspected she could be pregnant for several months. Overwhelmed at the thought of carrying a child, she lived in denial as long as she could. It was only after seeing a CompassCare ad on TV that she decided to seek medical care. She texted CompassCare’s scheduling line and got an appointment right away.
When Opal arrived at CompassCare’s office, she immediately felt a sense of belonging. When she met her nurse, she said, “If I’m pregnant, I need to get an abortion.” Opal communicated that she was experiencing a lot of pain and fear. Two weeks prior, she was abandoned by the father of the baby. The prospect of raising a child alone filled Opal with fear.
The ultrasound revealed an active 25-week-old baby with a strong heartbeat. “I didn’t know it would look like that or have a beating heart,” Opal said through tears. Clearly moved, Opal asked to learn more about abortion but began sobbing as she read the details of how the procedure is done.
Opal felt safe to process her thoughts and feelings, exploring alternatives to abortion with her CompassCare nurse. She began to see that she would not be without support. She felt her mother would be happy about the prospect of a grandchild.
And what about her relationship with God? Opal grew up in church but “turned away from God” some time ago. Lately, however, she’d been crying out to God in prayer. When her nurse shared the gospel with her, Opal exclaimed, “Yes! I want that!” She cried joyful tears of relief as she prayed to surrender her life to Christ.
About a week later, Opal returned for a follow-up appointment. During the ultrasound exam, Opal said, “I feel so connected to my baby.” She immediately called her mother to share the good news with her: “I’m going to be a mom!”
As she was saying goodbye to her nurse, Opal said, “I’m so glad I found CompassCare. I want to tell the whole world about it!”

Abortion, the Mark of the Beast, and Your Future.
Is our sorrow over the sin of abortion a good sign? Through the prophet Ezekiel, Scripture says those who mourn over the sins of the nation will receive the mark of God upon their foreheads, saving them from His wrath. In the Bible, a mark upon the forehead symbolizes one’s allegiance. God, through Jesus’ earthly ministry, taught that there was a connection between how we treat children and our salvation. “He said to them, ‘Whoever receives one child like this in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me does not receive Me, but Him who sent Me’” (Mk. 9:36-7). Read more.

You Are Forging a More Pro-Life Nation
Through CompassCare, you are helping women at risk for abortion see pro-life education via television, radio, and online; providing pregnancy centers across the nation with strategies and materials to help save more women and more babies; leading the charge in protecing pro-life pregnancy centers from violence and censorship; rebuilding and expanding facilities; and making it possible for women seriously considering abortion to reach a pro-life nurse in 24 seconds rather than 24 hours through Telecare. Learn more.