Christmas: The Story of an Unplanned Pregnancy

She did not plan on being pregnant. She was not even married. She was frightened. Her fiancé was going to end the relationship. Her community would disparage her and stigmatize the child. Feeling alone she went away, to a place where she would be loved and insulated from the pressure and where she could ponder what this pregnancy might mean for her, the child, her community, her world. Then the government, having legalized infant killing, wanted the child dead.

Her name was Mary. Her fiancé’s name was Joseph. And her child’s name is Jesus. It is no coincidence that the circumstances giving rise to the world’s greatest sin of our time, abortion, are precisely the same circumstances that gave rise to the only One who could save the world from sin.

The Nativity story represents the story of each and every one of us. We, sinners, were powerless before a holy God. A sinful world conspired against our ability to have a flourishing life together with Him and our family. But the Lord intervened in way that covered our sin and protected our lives from being destroyed, through the cross allowing us to be adopted as children of God. Our adopted status has given us access to God’s throne, with full standing complete with a voice and power to leverage, like Christ, on behalf of the most vulnerable.

Please consider an additional year end investment in the lives of women and their babies through CompassCare.  An end of the year financial gift this Christmas can also be made in honor of or as a gift for a loved one. Reach women at risk for abortion with the critical support and services of CompassCare, by financially providing a way for more women to have, like Mary, a vision of her future after having a child.

CompassCare is grateful for all that the Christmas story represents and we are honored to participate with in you erasing the need for abortion one woman, one baby at a time.