CompassCare’s Optimization Tool (OT) Now a Free Download

Now Anyone Can Download OT

CompassCare, the pioneer of the Linear Service Model (LSM) for Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC), is releasing all of its collateral to interested PRCs at NO COST! CompassCare is officially ‘Open-sourcing’ the Optimization Tool (OT).

Since 2004 CompassCare has carefully developed a Linear Service Model specifically designed to reach and serve the high risk abortion-minded woman. The group successfully transferred its model to specially chosen medical PRCs throughout the United States in both abortion and non-abortion hubs with dramatic results in increased effectiveness, gaining national attention.

CompassCare’s OT has a proven track record for helping PRCs reach more abortion-minded women and serve them in a way that helps them have their babies more consistently. CompassCare and its core group of executives who run their own highly optimized PRCs have determined that it is time to give every PRC the opportunity to ‘Optimize’ their operation so that more babies can be saved and more women can be insulated from the coercive pressure of life circumstances and the unethical practices of abortionists.

Register to Download Your Optimization Tool Here