Looming HHS Mandates Force You and Me to Pay For Abortion while CompassCare Has Best Year Ever

Scheduled patient appointments are up 73% year to date over last year! The number of women who arrive for their appointments is up 59%. The number of positive pregnancy tests is up 63%. The number of abortion-minded women served is up 84%! Help CompassCare continue to multiply its success!

Because of the generosity and prayers of donors and volunteers just like you CompassCare is erasing the need for abortion. Women, one at a time, are receiving the information and support they need to feel secure enough to have their babies. Now, after emerging from CompassCare’s annual strategic planning week, we are poised to take the next steps at reaching and serving even more women at risk for abortion this year.

During one of the team planning sessions last week we were celebrating with the team leaders CompassCare’s 50% increase in the number of women served who were at risk for abortion and went on to have their babies. We discussed why we were able to see such significant increases in order that we might repeat it in the coming year. The following is a list of what we concluded were important elements to CompassCare’s gains last year and will be crucial to our gains in the future: a commitment to prayer, dedication to continuous improvement, a desire to be the ‘first best source’ for women, a realistic optimism, the ability to delegate tasks and roles in a responsible way, and increased inter-team communication.

Helping More Women Have Their Babies Than Ever!

We then set for the coming year a target goal together of increasing the number of at risk women having their babies by 100% over last year. We noted that if we all hit or exceeded our target goals per team that we would easily accomplish the 100% patient increase goal on our way toward 20% of the entire market thereby putting significant financial strain on the abortion industry in Rochester.

2012 and 2013 are in many ways transition years and as such are characterized best by uncertainty. No one knows what will happen with the global economy, the U.S. economy, the Presidential election, the healthcare system, etc. But what we do know is that God does not want us to be fearful men but rather faithful disciples (Matthew 10 24-39). We must keep doing the right things, in the right way, at the right time come what may.

CompassCare’s Rochester operation over the last four years has helped to save an average of 7 babies per month. And five of CompassCare’s top ten months occurred this year (and the year is not even over yet) with June and July seeing 14 and 15 lives saved respectively! 

As you know CompassCare is always looking for ways to multiply our ability to erase the need for abortion. A few of the projects to which CompassCare will be devoted this year are:

1)      Open-sourcing our proven and highly effective service strategy to all pregnancy centers. Now that we are certain the system can reach and serve more abortion-minded women anywhere it is implemented we are going to give it to any center willing to use it. This is the pregnancy resource center equivalent to McDonald’s giving all hamburger joints their complete marketing and management model. Why? To reverse the national abortion trend that much faster.

God, Grant Us Wisdom and Courage

2)      Implementing the next phase of CompassCare’s marketing initiative by testing new, more aggressive messaging based on the three tensions women typically feel that drive them to get abortions: guilt over ending the baby’s life versus facing the shame of an unplanned pregnancy, my life as I know it versus the baby’s life, no life for the baby versus poor quality of life for the baby.

3)      Developing a community education program regarding what it will mean to be pro-life after the implementation of the Affordable Care Act Health and Human Services (HHS) mandates. The HHS mandates force all individuals to purchase health care covering abortion and abortion causing birth control (for all plans renewing after 8/1/12) in addition to forcing most Americans to directly pay into an abortion fund (starting 1/1/14) or suffer severe financial consequences. The HHS mandates if left unchanged means that we can no longer believe abortion is wrong and worse still it will be illegal for us NOT to support it.

To learn more about how you can be involved you can ‘like’ CompassCare Community on FaceBook or sign up for a CompassCare Tour by emailing Daniel Tomlinson at daniel.tomlinson@compasscare.info. Or if you know you would like to contribute financially just click here.