CompassCare’s NYS Abortion Reduction Plan Status
Buffalo Update:
Brooklyn Update:
- Actively looking for a strategically placed, state-of-the-art medical office
- Hiring mature, Christian nurses and a regional executive
If you would like to take a greater part in what God is doing through His Church in cutting abortion in NY, email

Who Are We to Say Abortion is Wrong?
What kind of person has so much ownership over all humanity that He can expect us to behave according to His standard, and when we don’t, He considers it a personal affront against Him, which only He can forgive? Read more.

“I never ever had a nurse who prayed for me in an appointment before.”
Beauty is a young widowed mother who came to CompassCare pregnant from a new boyfriend. “A good man, he loves me really well.” Beauty has experienced complications with other pregnancies. As a single mother fear drove her to think abortion was the solution. Read more.