Abortionists Are No Longer “Pro-Choice”

Planned Parenthood is no longer ‘pro-choice.’ They and other abortion advocates are arguing that ‘pro-choice’ no longer accurately depicts their position. A position that has shifted from abortion being “safe, legal, and rare,” to simply a woman’s Science and Faithdecision based on her moral framework, which allows her to celebrate abortion as a moral good. It could be that this change in abortion advocates’ language is in response to mounting pro-life sentiment and declining abortion rates. But I’m not convinced.

Let’s explore this new abortion rhetoric. If one’s moral framework dictates that some humans are more valuable than others, then abortion should be celebrated because preborn babies are one of those subclasses of humans. But if pro-life sentiment is growing within the population (and it appears that it is), then how could this new barbarism possibly help their cause? Essentially what they are saying is that if you happen to believe all humans are equally valuable, then abortion is wrong…for you. The important and respectful thing is for the ‘equality-of-human-value-believers’ not to force their moral framework on those that believe differently. Bottom line, those with a broader, more Biblical concept of human value should tolerate those with a narrower, more secular sense of human value.

If the pro-aborts succeed in their new logic, they could pass and enforce laws like the one NY Governor Cuomo introduced in 2013 that would have made abortion a fundamental human right. He vowed to push it again in 2015. So if you are a counselor, a teacher, a doctor, a preacher, a pregnancy center…not referring or providing abortion could be construed as a human rights violation punishable by legal action. This is currently happening with discrimination lawsuits against businesses refusing to participate in same-sex marriages (Google: ‘refusal to participate in same-sex marriage’).When Does Life Begin

But is this new line of reasoning, complete with ditching ‘pro-choice’ lingo, a retreat in the face of mounting pro-life sentiment? If the culture were becoming more ‘pro-life,’ it would seem better for their cause if they softened their position by moving toward the center rather than pushing the pro-abortion envelope; unless it is a strategic advance after accurately reading the direction of the culture.

CompassCare has been noticing a trend around the country in how abortion-minded women are choosing to abort. They admit to the humanity of the baby and yet seem to ignore or relegate the baby to their personal fears or desires. It’s “my life versus the baby’s life” in her mind. And the new abortion rhetoric demands that the rights of the mother trump the rights of the baby. If Planned Parenthood is seeing what we are seeing, then it is not a far stretch to think the pro-abort’s change of tune is shrewd strategy.

Moral pluralism complete with the core value of ‘tolerance’ seems to be the prevailing mantra of western ‘civilization.’ And what must be our answer? What should our response be when everyone agrees that the pre-born child is a human but the response is, “So what?”

Human meaning. One’s belief about the ultimate purpose of man determines how one views and treats mankind. If there is no ultimate purpose of man, then human value is a mirage and rights are illusions created by the powerful to control and manipulate the population. If on the other hand, there is an ultimate purpose of man and it is to reflect the glory of the Creator in whose image we are made, then equality of personhood at any stage of maturity is the standard. To the degree we understand the character and nature of God is the degree we understand how to better fulfill our destiny—to reflect Him in our thoughts and actions. Society’s only way back to a high view of human equality is submission to God as our final authority, the one to whom we will all give account, equally, for how well we glorified Him.

We are all equal at the foot of the cross of Christ. There, God exacted perfect justice while displaying uncalculated mercy for Pilgrim's Progress - At the Crossevery human, equally. And now we must all equally come to the foot of that cross, in submission acknowledging that God is our authority, not government, and not some twisted concept of self-actualization. It is His law we have each violated. It is His mercy we desperately need to be restored to our true destiny. It is His forgiveness we must receive to be resurrected from this death riddled world bent on calling wrong right. This is one of the reasons why CompassCare has committed to sharing the gospel message with every patient. And by His grace 19% of those women confess Jesus as Lord.

It is only in submission to Jesus that we can confess the truth rather than daring to create it in our own image.

P.S. Please consider deepening your commitment to erasing the need for abortion as CompassCare pursues new life-saving initiatives, reaching more at-risk women, more effectively.