Ebook – Are You Pro-Life for the Right Reasons?

Ebook – Are You Pro-Life for the Right Reasons?
Ebook – Are You Pro-Life for the Right Reasons?

Christian First Principles and the Protection of Preborn Boys and Girls

What does it mean to be pro-life?
Why should everyone, everywhere, stand against abortion?

Abortion is a symptom of a larger cultural cancer eating away at civilized order. How did this malady emerge and what is the cure? Jesus warned that as time ripened for His second coming, evil would mature and lawlessness would increase, causing people’s love to grow cold. He encouraged His people to stand strong and endure (Mt. 24:9-13). Abortion is a systemic injustice, a crime against humanity, and the oppression of the weakest and most vulnerable among us.

To stand against systemic injustice requires courage and sacrifice. Why should anyone want to risk that level of discomfort, unpopularity, pain, arson, and even death threats? Why ought everyone, everywhere, be pro-life? We need an eternal perspective in America’s moral midnight to keep us focused, a view empowered by the light of Christ.

Pro-life strategist and CompassCare CEO Rev. Jim Harden, M.Div., takes a practical and theological look at what it means to be pro-life in this book, which can be used as an insightful Bible study for a church or small group, including questions for discussion and personal reflection.


Table of Contents

  • Introduction – What Does it Mean to Be Pro-Life?
  • Principle 1: Authority – What is Your Standard
  • Principle 2: Creation – All Humans are Equally Valuable
  • Principle 3: The Fall – Do We Know Better Than God?
  • Principle 4: Redemption – Violence to End All Violence
  • ​​​​​​​Principle 5: Glory – How an Eternal Perspective Transforms Fear Into Confidence
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