NY Abortion Rates Fall for the 6th Straight Year…Hits Record Low, Monroe County Leads

Rochester, NY—New York Vital Statistics for 2013, published late last week, revealed yet another drop in abortion numbers statewide. Across New York the number of abortions have hit an all-time low since abortion was first legalized in 1970. In the last six years alone (between 2008 and 2013), the number of abortions dropped by 20.3%, including 3.3% in the most recent year measured.

Monroe County continues to lead the way in this trend reversal, with an 8% reduction in just one year and a six year total decline of 39.1%. In fact, Monroe County’s abortion rate has dropped so far and so quickly that it is responsible for 22% of the state’s one year reduction, despite having only 3.7% of women of childbearing age as residents.

Interestingly there have been no legal restrictions on abortion nor a reduction in abortionists, which some pro-life organizations have argued contribute to the reductions other States are experiencing. In the past some pro-abortion organizations have asserted abortion reduction is the result of increased access and use of contraceptives. However, this would mean that the overall abortion rate (total abortions divided by total number of pregnancies) would be the same. But what is actually happening is the abortion rate is going down. Simply put, this means that fewer women are choosing abortion when pregnant. And in Monroe County the abortion rate has trended down more than twice as fast as the rest of the state, while the total number of pregnancies has remained steady.

Reduction Image

New York has been labeled the abortion capital of the United Sates, with more abortions occurring per capita than any other state. Which is why this trend is so important because, as goes New York with respect to abortion, so goes the United States. Since New York reveals its numbers before the national data is available, it is usually a bellwether for what we can expect nationally. New York is one of the few states that actually requires abortion reporting. This recent round of data seems to further underscore the national abortion reduction trend of 13% (2008-2011) captured by a recent Guttmacher study

Jim Harden, President of CompassCare said, “It is encouraging to know that women don’t feel like they have to choose abortion in such high numbers. It means that the community is rallying to support women. And we are proud to be part of Monroe County, leading the state and nation in abortion trend reversals. Not by changing laws but where it really matters; serving mothers and their preborn babies.” Harden elaborates, “The difference between the state decline and Monroe County’s decline is almost precisely CompassCare’s patient load. Women have abortions because they feel like they have no choice. CompassCare gives them back their true autonomy with ethical medical care and comprehensive community support.”