New, one-of-a-kind, pro-life advent reflections book
from Rev. Jim Harden, M.Div.
Christmas is a time of vision, a time to consider the landscape of human life, what it means and why it’s valuable.
The mental image of Christmas is the nativity, the crude circumstances that surrounded the moment when God reinforced the dignity of humanity by clothing Himself as one. But He did not stop there.
For the joy set before Him, He invaded the dungeon of our sin-dimmed world with the light of His presence to transfer us into His kingdom of light. He took on the life of a man that He might lay it down for us all, underscoring the value He places on each one of us.
If sinless Jesus, God in the flesh, is invaluable, what does it say of the value He places on us if He exchanged His life for ours, becoming sin that He might destroy death? It is His resurrection that has the last, everlasting word: Christmas. The beginning of the end of sin and death. Christmas helps us see who God is and who we are. Christmas brings into focus the only two things that are sacred in this world — God and people. Christmas is about life. The Author of life. Your life. My life. And the life of the world.
Table of Contents
- Devotion 1: Lessons from Baby Jesus
- Devotion 2: Mother Mary and Her Unplanned Pregnancy
- Devotion 3: The Gift of Christmas, the Power of Sacrifice
- Devotion 4: Jesus Shepherds, and the Political Elite
- Devotion 5: Christmas and the Hidden Power of a Life Well Lived
- Devotion 6: Unplanned Pregnancy Points to Christmas
- Devotion 7: The Purpose of Christmas
- Devotion 8: Mary and Elizabeth, The Power of Motherhood on Display
- Devotion 9: Simeon, The Savior Stirring Hope
- Devotion 10: Jesus’ Plans Lighting the Way to Peace
- Devotion 11: Wisemen, Heroes and God’s Eternal Kingdom
- Devotion 12: Christmas Is an Invasion?